
A Review of Child Neglect in Scotland

The study reviewed the scale and nature of child neglect in Scotland and was conducted by researchers at te University of Stirling.


Early years Service type Extent of (reported) availability across Scotland
Health visitor-based services and early years support staff Widespread
Targeted pregnancy and post-birth parental support In a small number of areas
Home Start In some areas
Targeted support for parents with young children In most areas
Family Centres/ Sure Start Widespread
Nurseries and pre-school education Widespread
Specialised programmes such as: Baby Massage, Fit Babies, Rhyme Time In some areas
Primary school age Service type Extent of availability
Nurture Groups Fairly widespread
School/Family Link support In some areas
Additional support for learning within school Fairly widespread
School nurse service In some areas
Psychological support Widespread
Integrated Children's services staff in schools In some areas
Specialised programmes, often in partnership with voluntary sector agencies, such as: Roots of Empathy, Time4Us and What about me? In a small number of areas
Breakfast and after school clubs In some areas
High school age Service type Extent of availability
School-based social work and educational welfare officers In some areas
Youth Advisory services In some areas
Befriending and mentoring schemes In some areas
Guidance Teacher support Widespread
Youth Justice social workers Widespread
Young Carers Support Fairly widespread
Specialised services run by voluntary sector agencies such as: Trauma Recovery and support for Young Runaways In some areas
Advocacy services In a small number of areas
Parent/family services (all age) Service type Extent of availability
Social work support including family support services Widespread
Health, social work and/or voluntary sector led parenting programmes Fairly widespread
Family Group Conferencing In some areas
Drug and alcohol services Widespread
Domestic violence support and Women's Aid Fairly widespread
Supported and community childminding services In some areas
Home Care services Widespread
A range of voluntary sector and partnership services such as: Stepping Stones for Families; CLASP (Aberlour); Breaking the Cycle; What about me?; Family Intervention Projects (Action for Children); Circle Scotland Fairly widespread
MEND programme (health equality) and Equally Well test site


Email: Philip Raines

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