
Review of the Climate Challenge Fund - Appendix A: Sampling Methodology and Appendix B: Topic Guides

This report reviews the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF), a Scottish Government scheme that supports communities to take action to address climate change.

Appendix A: Sampling Methodology

Sampling frame: selecting case studies

This section provides detail on the selection process for the Climate Challenge Fund (CCF3) project case studies.

To carry out the case study research it was necessary to identify 24 projects from a total of 169 completed CCF3 projects[1]. The approach taken ensured a range of CCF3 projects and groups were selected, as based on an agreed set of criteria as outlined below. It should be noted that 25 case studies were sought but one cancelled late on in the research process, meaning only 24 were completed.

During the selection process, 50 case studies were initially chosen with 25 of these serving as 'back up' if any of the first 25 case studies were unable to participate. This happened in two cases and the replacement case studies were chosen to match the characteristics of the replaced project/group as far as possible.

To select the 50 case studies, the following approach was taken:

1. Purposive sampling was carried out to ensure the final list of case studies contained sufficient numbers of projects with the agreed criteria. These projects were chosen at random from the projects database:

  • One project that had used the Ideas Bank[2].
  • Four projects that had and four projects that had not worked in partnership with other organisations, based on responses to the CCF Project Survey.
  • Four groups which had received £500,000 or more over all CCF rounds.
  • Four groups which had received development grants and not progressed to CCF3, and four which had also received development grants and had progressed to CCF3.
  • Eight projects which had submitted high quality carbon reporting.

Overall, 26 projects were chosen using these criteria.

2. A sampling frame was then used to select the remaining 24 case studies required (Table A1). The primary selection criteria were the size of CCF grant (low, medium or high) and the three refresh themes. The 26 projects selected from the purposive sampling were placed into the relevant boxes in the matrix to identify gaps where more projects were required[3].

During the selection process, case studies were assigned either to be light touch or depth. This decision was broadly intended to ensure that the depth case studies represented a wide range of projects and groups, but also to ensure that criteria such as partnership working could be explored in more depth by using these as the in-depth case studies. Two case studies originally intended to be light touch case studies were changed to depth.

Table A1: Sampling frame for selection of case studies

Refresh themes CCF3 Grant allocation (tertiles)
Theme Sub-category Low
(£0 - £65,689)
(£65,689 - £130,295)
(£130,295 - £450,000)
Broaden Deprived / hard to reach
SIMD bottom 30%;
Older people;
Minority ethnic groups;
People w/ disability
2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch
2 Depth
New groups to CCF (groups that had not received CCF funding previously) 2 Light Touch 2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch
Junior CCF (projects involving only young people[4]) 2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch
2 Light Touch
2 Depth
Deepen Mature groups (groups previously funded by CCF) 2 Light Touch 2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch 2 Depth
Explore Revenue raising
Adaptation projects
Innovative carbon ideas
2 Light Touch
2 Depth
2 Light Touch 2 Light Touch
2 Depth
TOTAL (Targeted for recruitment) 10 Light Touch
6 Depth
10 Light Touch
6 Depth
10 Light Touch
8 Depth
TOTAL (Case studies achieved) 5 Light Touch
3 Depth
5 Light Touch
3 Depth
5 Light Touch
4 Depth

To select the required 24 case studies, projects were chosen to fit into gaps in the matrix[5]. Each project was chosen at random using two categories:

  • Topic: energy, waste, food, transport, community building
  • Rurality using the six fold classification (e.g. large urban to remote rural)[6]

For example, this meant that the first project to be chosen was an energy project in a large urban area. In some cases, projects fitting these criteria were not available and therefore the next criterion in the field was chosen and the 'missing' criteria used to inform the choice of the next case study. It should also be noted that many projects have multiple topics (e.g. energy, waste, transport).

The final choice of 50 case studies was then reviewed to ensure a broad range of projects and to ensure that the demographics aligned with the overall mix of CCF3 projects.

It should be noted that the case study selection relied on the data provided in the CCF projects database and where available, CCF3 Projects Survey.

Table A2: Depth Case Studies Overview (x10)

Project code Main topic(s) Local authority area Refresh theme Grant size (CCF3 project)* Site visit (in-depth only) No. additional interviews
Broaden Deepen Explore
CS01 Food; Energy; Waste; Awareness Glasgow City Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%); Junior CCF Mature group Revenue raising High No 3
CS02 Energy Highland New group to CCF Medium Yes 5
CS03 Food; Waste Highland Mature group High No 3
CS05 Transport; Energy Argyll & Bute Mature group High Yes 4
CS06 Energy South Lanarkshire Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%; older people) Mature group High Yes 3
CS07 Transport; Waste Moray New group to CCF Innovative carbon ideas High Yes 6
CS08 Energy Glasgow City Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%); new group to CCF Low Yes 2
CS09 Energy; Building City of Edinburgh Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%); new group to CCF Adaptation projects Low No 2
CS12 Food Glasgow City Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%); new group to CCF High Yes 3
CS19 Energy; Building City of Edinburgh Disadvantaged group (minority ethnic groups); new group to CCF Innovative carbon ideas and adaptation projects High Yes

*Based on splitting full range of CCF3 grants allocated into tertiles: Low = £0 - £65,689; Medium= £65,689 - £130,295; High=£130,295 - £450,000

Table A3: Light Touch Case Studies Overview (x14)

Project code Main topic(s) Local authority area Refresh theme Grant size (CCF3 project)*
Broaden Deepen Explore
CS10 Transport; food; waste City of Edinburgh Disadvantaged group (minority ethnic groups); new group to CCF High
CS11 Building; energy Stirling New group to CCF High
CS13 Energy; food; waste Dumfries and Galloway Junior CCF Mature group Medium
CS15 Energy; food; waste; building North Lanarkshire Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%); new group to CCF Medium
CS17 Energy; building Highland Mature group Medium
CS18 Energy; transport; waste Moray Junior CCF Mature group Revenue raising Low
CS20 Energy; transport; waste Highland Mature group Revenue raising High
CS21 Energy; transport; food; waste; building Dundee City New group and innovation Low
CS22 Building; food; waste East Ayrshire Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%; older people; people with disabilities); new group to CCF Low
CS23 Food North Lanarkshire Disadvantaged group (people with disabilities); new group to CCF; junior CCF Revenue raising Low
CS24 Development grant only Glasgow City Development grant only Low
CS25 Development grant only Glasgow City Development grant only Low
CS39 Transport Dumfries and Galloway Mature group Revenue raising Low
CS42 Building; food; waste East Dunbartonshire Disadvantaged group (SIMD bottom 30%) Mature group Revenue raising and adaptation projects Medium

*Based on splitting full range of grants allocated into tertiles: Low = £0 - £65,689; Medium= £65,689 - £130,295; High=£130,295 - £450,000

1. Sampling frame: Stakeholder respondents

Respondents from the following Scottish Government policy areas and external organisations were interviewed as part of this research. In order to protect the confidentiality of respondents we have not added any further details to this list:

Scottish Government Stakeholders

  • CCF
  • Home Energy Efficiency (HES)
  • Transport
  • Food
  • Community And Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) loan scheme
  • Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme (LCITP)
  • People and Communities Fund
  • Domestic Renewables

External Stakeholders

  • Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN)
  • Council for Ethnic Minority Voluntary Organisations (CEMVO) Scotland
  • Young Scot
  • Zero Waste Scotland
  • Home Energy Scotland (HES)
  • Keep Scotland Beautiful (KSB)
  • Local Energy Scotland
  • Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO)
  • Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS)
  • Sustrans


Email: Debbie Sagar

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