Review of colorectal cancer quality performance indicators: consultation

Consultation to gather views on NHSScotland's approach to treating colorectal cancer.


a. Due to co-morbidities or fitness levels, some patients may only receive radiotherapy without chemotherapy. These patients will be included within the measurement of this QPI.

b. Delay to surgery is defined as planned surgery performed a minimum of 6 weeks after completion of neo-adjuvant therapy

c. Immediate / early surgery is defined as surgery performed less than 6 weeks after completion of neo-adjuvant therapy.

d. High risk Dukes B colorectal cancer is defined as patients with (pT4a or pT4b disease) with / without extramural venous invasion, or pT3 pN0 M0 with extramural venous invasion 3.

e. Adjuvant chemotherapy in this instance is defined as chemotherapy treatment which commences within 12 weeks of surgical resection.


Email: Chris Booth

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