
Scottish Health Survey: content review

Review of the topics and questions included in the Scottish Health Survey, which will be used to inform the content of the survey from 2024 onwards.

Annex A: Scoring sheet (for information only)

The scoring criteria below will be used to assess the need for different health topics. Scores can fall anywhere between the minimum and maximum shown below.


Criteria (detailing range of possible score)

0 to 20


0 - No clear relevance to any current or future Scottish Government policy/target.

20 - Clear relevance to a Scottish Government policy, with link to policy strategy/target which will continue into the future.

0 to 20


0 - No Scottish Government/NHSScotland/external/academic support for bid.

20 - Significant Scottish Government/NHSScotland/external/ academic support.

0 to 10

Used for local measurement

0 - No current or future plans to measure progress against a local target/delivery plan.

10 - Required to measure progress against a current or future local target/delivery plan.

0 to 10

Time-series potential

0 - New question/no trend analysis possible.

10 - Consistent time-series analysis possible.

0 to 10

Availability from other sources

0 - Available from other sources/links to other SHeS topics non-essential.

10 - Crucial indicator not available from any other source/links to other SHeS topics essential.

0 to 10

Frequency and geography required

0 - Question asked of full sample every year.

5 - Question asked of smaller sample every year.

10 - Question asked of smaller sample every second year or every fourth year.

0 to 10

Tested questions

0 - Not previously tested/wording not finalised.

10 - Previously tested and verified.

0 to 10

Length of proposed question

0 - A suite of questions required of full sample.

10 - One short question.

(questions which are only required of part of the sample (e. g. people of certain age) would receive more points than those which are required of the full sample)

Up to 100




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