
Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group: review

An independent review of the Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group.

1. Background information

Establishment of the Group

DACBEAG was established in April 2017, based on a 2016 SNP Manifesto commitment to establish a 'Disability Benefits Assessment Commission' to provide recommendations and guidance on assessments frequency, what conditions should be given an automatic or lifetime award, and eligibility criteria. Ministers subsequently decided that the remit of the Group should be expanded to cover all disability and carer benefit related issues. Thus DACBEAG aims to advise Scottish Ministers on specific policy options for the following benefits:

  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Carer's Allowance

Purpose and remit of the Group

The purpose and remit of the Group are stated in full in Annex 1. In summary, DACBEAG is an independent Group, reporting to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People. The purpose of the Group is to provide recommendations and advice to Scottish Ministers, by request and proactively, on the policy and practice options being developed on disability and carers' benefits. This includes options for the benefits when powers over them are transferred to the Scottish Parliament, and options that would be implemented after the safe and secure transfer of the benefits. The Group's deadline for final recommendations is the end of this Parliamentary term.

Membership of the Group

The Group consist of 20 members who come from a range of organisations reflecting a wide range of perspectives including those of people with physical and mental disabilities, care service providers, the medical profession, the social work profession, the academic profession, local authorities, charities focussed on poverty and other social issues. Nevertheless, members are there for their individual expertise and not as representatives of their organisations. The Group is chaired by Dr. Jim McCormick from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Dr. Sally Witcher from Inclusion Scotland acted as deputy chair until 23 January and a replacement will be decided soon. Members are appointed by Scottish Ministers, taking into account the views of the Chair and existing members.

Review of the Group

In establishing the DACBEAG, it was agreed that the Group should be reviewed after 18 months and this is reflected in its terms of reference. This review was commissioned by the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People and is being conducted by the Social Security Analysis, Evaluation and Forecasting unit (SSAFE) in the Communities Analysis Division (CAD), Scottish Government.



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