
Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group: review

An independent review of the Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group.

2. Review methods

The review consisted of three stages. The first stage, carried out in late September, involved the analysis of the written advice produced by the Group thus far and the responses to that advice by the Scottish Ministers. The details of this written evidence are listed in the Table 1 (p. 8).

The second stage was carried out in October 2018 and involved collecting data via an online survey questionnaire that was sent to all DACBEAG members on 1 October 2018 using Questback online survey software. The survey closed on 14 October 2018 having received sixteen responses from DACBEAG members out of twenty members. The survey was designed by researchers in the SSAFE unit at the Scottish Government who also sought feedback with respect to the subject matters from the Chair, deputy Chair and DACBEAG members. The survey consisted of twenty-nine questions: twenty-three closed and six open questions. Annex 2 presents the results of the survey. Responses to open questions were categorised by themes to allow a systematic qualitative and quantitative analysis. The survey data was used to draft the interim report that was shared with all Group members and key stakeholders in the Scottish Government. All were invited to comment on this and have their feedback considered for this final report.

The third stage involved face-to-face and telephone interviews. Interviewees from the Group were selected based on their responses to the survey questionnaire as well as their institutional affiliation. With regard to the latter point, members from various sectors (e.g. academic, voluntary, medical), and representing various Groups (e.g. clients with physical and mental disabilities and service providers) were sought. Seven members of DACBEAG were interviewed. In addition, nine officials working across areas who have had interactions with DACBEAG were interviewed.

All interviews were audio recorded and interviews were either transcribed and coded or the audio recordings replayed to complement the notes taken during the interview. Following the completion of the final report, the draft was shared with key stakeholders in the Group and the Scottish Government for quality assurance purposes.



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