
Litter and flytipping offences - enforcement review: final report

We commissioned this research report in 2022 and it was completed by Anthesis in autumn 2023. This project aimed to review the current enforcement model in Scotland and offer recommendations to strengthen that enforcement.

Appendix 4 – People prosecuted and convicted by Local Authority for litter and flytipping

Scottish Government does not hold data directly on the location of the crime so court location acts as the best indicator of where the crime took place. Not every local authority will necessarily have a court, but this is the best data set available on locus.

Figure 18 Total number of people prosecuted and convicted for flytipping offences between 2011 and 2021 split by local authority area (Scottish Government, 2022).
This graph displays the total number of people prosecuted and convicted for flytipping by local authority between 2011-2021 in Scotland
Figure 19 Total number of people prosecuted and convicted for litter offences between 2011 and 2021 split by local authority area (Scottish Government, 2022).
This graph displays the total number of people prosecuted and convicted for littering by local authority between 2011-2021 in Scotland



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