
Litter and flytipping offences - enforcement review: final report

We commissioned this research report in 2022 and it was completed by Anthesis in autumn 2023. This project aimed to review the current enforcement model in Scotland and offer recommendations to strengthen that enforcement.

Appendix 6 – Local authority engagement

As part of the project, we sought engagement with local authorities via a dedicated Local Authority Focus Group and a self-completion survey. In total five local authorities attended the Focus Group and there were 16 responses to the self-completion survey (Figure 20 Overview of local authority engagement.). Two survey respondents did not disclose what local authority they were from. The project therefore engaged with at least 19 local authorities, but this may have been 21 authorities.

Of the survey responses, 12 identified themselves as mixed urban/rural, 3 as urban and 1 as rural (Figure 21 Categorisation of local authorities who completed the survey.). Two of the survey respondents have islands within their local authority area, whilst an island only authority attended the Focus Group.

Figure 20 Overview of local authority engagement.
This graph displays local authority engagement

Note: two survey respondents did not disclose what authority they were from so “unique” engagements may have only been 19.

Figure 21 Categorisation of local authorities who completed the survey.
This graph displays the categorisation of local authorities who completed the survey

The local authority self-completion survey asked local authorities to answer a range of questions covering enforcement effectiveness, roles and responsibilities, barriers and views on prosecutions (Table 12).

Overview of the questions asked during the stakeholder engagement meetings and focus groups.


Please can you give an overview, from your perspective, of the broad issue with L&F? Examples include recent trends, the impact of Covid-19, any specific geographical considerations, specific challenges unique to litter and/or flytipping and any specific challenges faced in areas of multiple deprivation.

Is the current enforcement model effective? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

In terms of enforcement, what do you see as working and not working? Are there differences in effectiveness for each of litter and flytipping?

Do you see any specific barriers to enforcement?

Do you feel that in its current format, the enforcement model acts as a deterrent to those carrying out littering and flytipping? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Are there specific challenges faced in different regions of Scotland when it comes to enforcement? And why might this be?

Do you feel there are any limitations enforcement bodies face in their ability to exercise their enforcement powers?

Do you feel the roles and responsibility of each enforcement body are clear? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Aside from monetary penalties what other tools are used by enforcement bodies?

In your view, are cases passed to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service successful? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Do you feel the number of prosecutions has an influence on L&F occurrences/acts as a deterrent? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Are prevention measures effective in reducing L&F? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Do you think prevention and enforcement should be used together? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Do you see behaviour change, coupled with education and awareness as an effective prevention tool? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Please can you give us an overview of the role that prevention and behaviour change play in litter & flytipping.

In your view what changes need to be made for the enforcement model to be effective and efficient?

Do you feel data collected and reported consistently on a national scale will contribute towards reducing incidences of L&F? (Yes/No/Maybe answer)

Are there any other points that you would like to discuss or bring to our attention?



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