Land acquisition powers and land ownership restrictions in European countries: evidence review

The research looks at how countries have changed their land ownership laws and the extent to which that complies with the right to property included in the European Convention on Human Rights.

Appendix A: Article 1 Protocol 1 of the European Convention on Human Rights Complaints by Country

(Accurate as of Aug 2022)

Table 1: Number of Cases where A1P1 complaint made and Number of Cases where A1P1 violation found
Country Number of Cases where A1P1 complaint made Number of Cases where A1P1 violation found
Albania 15 10
Armenia 20 16
Austria 23 7
Azerbaijan 21 13
Belgium 8 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina 21 16
Bulgaria 97 58
Croatia 55 29
Cyprus 11 2
Czech Republic 28 4
Denmark 1 1
Estonia 1 1
Finland 7 0
France 64 7
Country Cases where A1P1 complaint made Cases where A1P1 violation found
Georgia 12 2
Germany 16 3
Greece 142 22
Hungary 33 14
Iceland 1 0
Ireland 3 1
Italy 504 55
Latvia 10 5
Lithuania 38 21
Luxembourg 3 0
Malta 35 24
Republic of Moldova 94 29
Montenegro 6 4
Netherlands 8 1
North Macedonia 17 10
Norway 1 1
Poland 80 34
Country Cases where A1P1 complaint made Cases where A1P1 violation found
Portugal 48 22
Romania 435 209
Russia 480 234
San Marino 2 0
Serbia 34 23
Slovakia 29 11
Slovenia 16 9
Spain 10 3
Sweden 15 3
Turkey 684 156
Ukraine 323 121
UK 86 39



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