
Fair Food Transformation Fund: independent review

Fair Food Transformation Fund (FFTF) was set up to support initiatives aimed at reducing food poverty and reliance on emergency food aid.


1. Scottish Government. Topic, Food Poverty. Accessed at on February 2018

2. Food Foundation. New Evidence of Child Food Insecurity in the UK. Accessed at on May 2018

3. Dignity: Ending Hunger Together in Scotland’, The Report of the Independent Working Group on Food Poverty. Accessed at Poverty on February 2018

4. Scottish Government. Topic, Food Poverty. Accessed at on February 2018

5. Dowler E. (2003) Food and Poverty in Britain: Rights and Responsibilities. In: Dowler E and Jones Finer C (Eds). Welfare of Food: Rights and Responsibilities in a Changing World. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, p140-159.

6. Taylor, A. Loopstra, R. (2016) Too Poor To Eat Food insecurity in the UK. Food Foundation. Accessed at on February 2018

7. Trussell Trust (2018) End of Year Stats 2018. Accessed at on February 2018

8. Research to identify policy options to reduce food insecurity (PROOF) (2018) Household food insecurity in Canada. Accessed at on February 2018

9. GoWell (2016). Food bank use among residents of Glasgow’s deprived neighbourhoods. Glasgow Community Health and Wellbeing Research and Learning Programme. Briefing Paper 28.

10. The Trussell Trust (2016). Early Warnings Universal Credit and Food banks. Accessed at in February 2018

11. Loopstra, R & Lalor, D (2017). Financial insecurity, food insecurity, and disability: The profile of people receiving emergency food assistance from The Trussell Trust Foodbank Network in Britain. Accessed at: in February 2018

12. Adams, A & Levell, P (2014). Measuring poverty when inflation varies across households. Accessed at in February 2018

13. Independent Working Group on Food Poverty (2016). Dignity: Ending Hunger Together in Scotland. Accessed at February 2018

14. Ibid

15. Ibid

16. Scottish Government (2016). Funding to tackle food poverty. Newsroom. Accessed at on February 2018


18. Employability in Scotland. The Employability Pipeline. Accessed at on February 2018

19. Ibid

20. Go Well (2016) Food bank use among residents of Glasgow’s deprived neighbourhoods. Briefing Paper 28. Glasgow Community Health and Wellbeing Research and Learning Programme.

21. Note: we did not find evidence to suggest that all functions played by staff can be replaced by volunteered time.

22. A theory of change is an approach used in the planning and evaluation of services. It defines the long-term goals of a service and works backwards to identify the processes through which this change will occur. It helps projects to more explicitly understand the link between what they do and the outcomes they achieve. It also helps services to understand the various intermediate steps along the way – such as increasing participants’ confidence leading to other outcomes.

23. Scottish Charity Regulator. Managing a Charity, Good Governance. Accessed at on February 2018

24. Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations. Running your organisation, Governance. Accessed at on February 2018

25. This analysis excludes the research project conducted by Nourish Scotland funded by the Fair Food Transformation Fund round 1 in September 2016.

26. Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification. Accessed at on February 2018


Email: Catriona Rooke

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