
Fish and fisheries research to inform ScotMER evidence gaps and future strategic research in the UK: review

This study undertook a literature review and consultation with key stakeholders to establish current knowledge for evidence gaps identified in the ScotMER Fish and Fisheries evidence map. This report includes research recommendations to help fill remaining strategic priority gaps.

Appendix 1 – Consultation Questionnaires

Consultee Details







Q.1) Is your organisation currently undertaking research or has recently completed research of relevance to the knowledge gaps identified as part of ScotMER's Fish and Fisheries Evidence Map?


If Yes, please fill in the table below noting the specific knowledge gap(s) of relevance to the research carried out by your organisation.

If No, please continue to Question 3 below

ID ScotMER's Knowledge Gap Research by your organisation (Y/N)
FF.01 Accurate mapping of fishing effort and catches in space and time
FF.02 Accurate and validated method to predict fisheries displacement levels and locations (associated with the introduction of Marine Renewable Projects)
FF.03 Fisheries stakeholder integration and participation process
FF.04 Improvement in Environmental assessment methodologies (Environmental Impact Assessments, Cumulative Impact Assessment, etc)
FF.04 a) Coexistence and compatibility between commercial fisheries and offshore renewables
FF.05 Strategic Fisheries Management – Marine Renewable development areas and their potential to play a role as fisheries management areas and integrated approach to fisheries management and marine planning
FF.06 Underwater Noise and Vibration – Impacts on fish and shellfish
FF.07 Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) – Impacts on fish and shellfish
FF.08 Collision risk (tidal turbines) – especially large fish of conservation concern
FF.09 Accurate spatio-temporal patterns of spawning activity by marine fish species.
FF.10 Essential fish habitat – especially fish spawning and nursery grounds (sensitivity maps)
FF.11 Reef/fish aggregation effects
FF.12 Inshore fish and shellfish populations/distribution
FF.13 Cumulative pressure & impact pathways on individual species level

Q2) If your organisation is involved /has recently been involved in research of relevance to the knowledge gaps identified in ScotMER's Fish and Fisheries Evidence Map, please fill in the sections below with details of the research undertaken. Please complete the information below for each research project. Delete/add additional projects to the list below as appropriate

Project 1

  • Link to ScotMER evidence gap no.:
  • Project Name:
  • Overall Aim:
  • Status/Year(s) research was carried out:
  • Species relevant to research:
  • Region relevant to research e.g. Scotland/UK/EU/US etc.:
  • Type of development relevant to research (e.g. offshore wind, floating wind, tidal, wave):
  • Summary of Results (if available):
  • Provide links to relevant project papers/ reports/project information:
  • Where specific data has been collected as part of the project, specify the format of the data/information (i.e. word document, GIS outputs, spreadsheet, etc):
  • Where relevant, please specify the location and availability of data collected as part of the research (dataset, data holder, publicly available, available for research purposes, confidential):
  • Contact details of key research author(s) for further correspondence, if required:

Project 2

  • Link to ScotMER evidence gap no.:
  • Project Name:
  • Overall Aim:
  • Status/Year(s) research was carried out:
  • Species relevant to research:
  • Region relevant to research e.g. Scotland/UK/EU/US etc.:
  • Type of development relevant to research (e.g. offshore wind, floating wind, tidal, wave):
  • Summary of Results (if available):
  • Provide links to relevant project papers/ reports/project information:
  • Where specific data has been collected as part of the project, specify the format of the data/information (i.e. word document, GIS outputs, spreadsheet, etc):
  • Where relevant, please specify the location and availability of data collected as part of the research (dataset, data holder, publicly available, available for research purposes, confidential):
  • Contact details of key research author(s) for further correspondence, if required:

Q3) Are you aware of research being undertaken/recently completed by other organisation(s) of relevance to the evidence gaps identified by ScotMER's Fish and Fisheries Evidence Map? If Yes, please provide details below

Q4) Do you consider that the results of research already undertaken (either by your organisation or other parties) sufficiently address any of the evidence gaps currently identified in ScotMER's Fish and Fisheries Evidence Map? On that basis, should any of the evidence gaps be removed from future versions of the Evidence Map? Please provide details below, including reference to relevant evidence gaps and the rationale as to why you feel the research undertaken addresses them

Q5) Do you consider that there are additional evidence gaps to those currently identified in ScotMER's Fish and Fisheries Evidence Map that should be explored? Please provide details below, including rationale as to why you feel they should be considered

Q6) Please add any additional information that you feel may be of relevance to inform this consultation



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