
Fishing practices adapted in commercial fisheries: review

Comprehensive literature review on the specific interventions taken in Scotland, the UK and EU to reduce the climate related impacts of the marine wild capture fisheries sector complemented with a series of stakeholder interviews on direct experiences and challenges.

Appendix C List of Stakeholders

1. Scottish Association of Fish Producers Organisations

2. Fife Fishermen's Association

3. Fishing Vessel Agents & Owners Association (Scotland) Limited

4. Regional Inshore Fisheries Groups (RIFG)

5. Clyde Fishermen's Association

6. Scottish Fishermen's Federation

7. Orkney Fisheries Association

8. Mallaig and North-West Fishermen's Association Limited

9. Anglo-Scottish Fishermen's Association

10. Shetland Fishermen's Association

11. Regional Inshore Fisheries Group (RIFG)

12. Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance

13. Seafood Scotland

14. Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS)

15. Scottish Environment Link

16. Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association Limited

17. Scottish Creel Fishermen's Federation

18. Scottish White Fish Producers' Association Limited

19. Seafish



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