
Tenant Farming Commissioner functions: review

Findings from survey research on the functions of the Tenant Farming Commissioner.

2. Methodology

Stakeholders were invited to give their views on the functions of the Tenant Farming Commissioner via an online survey, which ran between the 20 January 2020 and 3 February 2020. The survey outlined the various functions of the Tenant Farming Commissioner and asked respondents whether they should be amended or removed and whether the Tenant Farming Commissioner has sufficient power to carry out the functions.

The survey was hosted on Questback- an online platform used to develop and host surveys. Largely, the survey comprised close-ended questions in which respondents choose their answer/s from a list of pre-selected options. All questions were supplemented by optional open-ended questions which were used to gain further insight into the respondents' opinions.

The survey was open to all stakeholders with an interest in the Tenant Farming Commissioner's functions and it received 36 responses. Stakeholders were initially identified from the membership of the Tenant Farming Advisory Forum. The membership of the forum comprises representatives from a range of industry bodies. A full list of organisations who were sent the survey can be found in Appendix 2, however only three responses were received from this list. Some of these organisations circulated the survey to their membership and, thus, responses were also received from other interested stakeholders. In total, 27 responses were received from individuals and 9 responses were received on behalf of 8 different organisations These organisations are listed in Appendix 2.

The current Tenant Farming Commissioner, Dr Bob McIntosh, provided a written response to the review which is included in Appendix 1.



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