
Review of the Gluten-free Food Additional Pharmaceutical Service

A review of the Gluten-free Food Additional Pharmaceutical Service being provided on a trial basis in NHS community pharmacies.


The results from the evaluation of the Gluten-free Food Service (GFFS) trial indicate the following recommendations

1. The GFFS should be continued and embedded into NHS Pharmaceutical services

2. Improved alignment of Health Board gluten-free food formulary choices, while still accounting for variations in local population need

3. Establish regular updates to the National Gluten-free Food NHS Prescribable List which include sufficient information to support Health Boards in local formulary development minimising resource duplication

4. Completion of the development and rollout of electronic prescribing forms for community pharmacy to undertake the service

5. Rollout of Pre-printed GFF Order Forms with standardised data set and Gluten-free Online Service for patients

6. Monitoring and further evaluation of the annual pharmacy coeliac health check to assess value to the patient

7. Annual re-registration for the service should be discontinued as coeliac disease is life long

8. Consider inclusion of patients resident in care homes within the GFFS

9. Further develop the pharmacy and dietetic processes and communication links to optimise use of professional skills including their prescribing roles

10. Consideration of other potential areas of prescribing where a similar service could improve patient access, improve skill utilisation, reduce GP workload and improve cost effectiveness.


Email: Elaine Muirhead

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