
Governance of NHS endowment funds: review report

An independent review, chaired by Julie Hutchison LLB TEP WS, to consider and provide recommendations on changes that could be enacted to strengthen governance arrangements for NHS endowment funds.

Appendix 4


This appendix sets out an illustrative timeline, to give a sense of the potential transition period involved in implementing the recommendations of this Review.

It takes a timeframe based on quarters, to indicate the potential focus of work in a future transition period ahead.

Q1 in Year 1 should not be taken to mean a January to March period, but rather whichever quarter falls when the legislative changes are passed by the Scottish Parliament.

15 months – Preparation phase


  • Legislative changes passed in an Act
  • Act contains future Implementation Date in Year 2.
  • Recruitment process for 16 new Chairs is developed. Adverts go live.
  • Chair interview process gets underway and completes, with a forward appointment date to match the Implementation Date.


  • Commence recruitment process for new non-Health Board trustees.


  • Health Board considers nominations for the minority Health-Board appointed trustee roles

Minimum 3 months – Transition phase

'Observer period'

  • Chairs-elect have been identified.
  • Health-Board appointed trustee candidates have been identified.
  • Non Health board-appointed trustee candidates have been identified.
  • Health Boards liaise with Chairs-elect and trustees-elect, to invite attendance at NHS-linked charity board meetings to facilitate effective handover and transition planning.

Implementation phase

1st April

  • Implementation Date of Act falls in this period. It would be helpful if this were a 1st April date to reflect the accounting period of the NHS-linked charities.
  • Appointment of new Chair and trustees of an NHS-linked charity takes effect on the Implementation Date.
  • The role of the NHS Health Board as corporate trustee ends at the Implementation Date.
  • NHS-linked charity sets-up Charity Liaison Group to support future collaboration and communications between the NHS-linked Charity and the Health Board.


  • Contractual matters between NHS-linked charity and Health Board are finalised.
  • Charity Liaison Group is meeting on a scheduled basis.

A national shared forum, involving representatives from all 16 NHS-linked Charities, meets regularly to work on various future operational and transition arrangements.



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