
Non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation: final report

Review of the human health and environmental impacts of non-methane volatile organic compound emissions from malt whisky maturation facilities prepared for the Scottish Government by Aether.


AAQD - Ambient Air Quality Directive

ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

AIHA - American Industrial Hygiene Association

AQEG - Air Quality Expert Group

AQG - Air Quality Guideline

AQP - Air quality pollutant

AQSO - Air Quality Strategic Objective

AURN - Automatic Urban and Rural Network

BAT - Best Available Techniques

BEIS - Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

BRE - Building Research Establishment

b.w. - Body weight

CH4 - Methane

CLRTAP - Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution

CO2 - Carbon dioxide

COMAH - Control of Major Accident Hazards

COMEAP - Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants

Defra - Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DHSC - Department of Health and Social Care

EEA - European Environment Agency

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

EC - European Commission

ECHA - European Chemicals Association

EMEP - European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme

ERPG - Emergency Response Planning Guidelines

EU - European Union

FDA - Food and Drug Administration

GHG - Greenhouse gas

GWP - Global warming potential

HRAPIE - Health Response to Air Pollutants in Europe

HSE - Health and Safety Executive

IED - Industrial Emissions Directive

IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer

IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IRIS - Integrated Risk Information System

MATIN -Maturation Innovation

N2O - Nitrous oxide

NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards (US)

NACE - Nomenclature of Economic Activities

NAEI - National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory

NECD - National Emissions Ceiling Directive

NHS - National Health Service

NMVO - Non-methane volatile organic compounds

NO - Nitrogen oxide

NOx - Nitrogen oxides

OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

PHE - Public Health England

PM - Particulate matter

POCP - Photochemical ozone creation potential

RF - Radiative forcing

SEPA - Scottish Environment Protection Agency

SIA - Secondary inorganic aerosols

SOA - Secondary organic aerosols

SPRI - Scottish Pollutant Release Inventory

STEL - Short term exposure limit

STP - Standard temperature and pressure

SWA - Scotch Whisky Association

SWRI - Scotch Whisky Research Institute

TLV - Threshold limit value

UK-PRTR - UK Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

UNECE - United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

US EPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency

VOCs - Volatile organic compounds

WHO - World Health Organisation



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