Independent information and support services funded by the Scottish Government: review findings

Findings from a commissioned review of independent information and support services in relation to self-directed support for social care, in 2017.

Annex 2: Service User Survey Results

Total number of responses

People who hold/manage their own budget 59
People (Third Party) who hold/manage someone else’s budget 33
Total 92

Please note that not all respondents answered all questions and some questions gave respondents to select multiple answers, so the base number of respondents / responses varies from question to question.

Please tell us your relationship to the person whose individual budget you have responsibility for. (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
They are a child and I am their parent or guardian 5 5 5%
They are an adult and I am their parent or guardian 15 15 16%
They are my spouse or partner 1 1 1%
They are an adult and I am a relative (other than their parent) or friend 10 10 11%
Something else 2 2 2%
Manage Own Budget 59 59 64%
Total 59 33 92 100%

Did the person you act for already receive care and/or support paid for by the council before they got their current individual budget? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Yes 24 19 43 49%
No 29 9 38 43%
Not sure 3 3 3%
Other 2 2 4 5%
Total 58 30 88 100%

Which option do you use for the individual budget? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
I get my budget as a direct payment and buy care and/or support with it, for example by employing a Personal Assistant (Option 1) 48 14 62 70%
The council or an organisation of my choice holds the budget but I am in charge of how it is spent (Option 2) 2 3 5 6%
The council arranges the service (Option 3) 3 3 3%
I use a mix of the approaches above (Option 4) 4 9 13 15%
The final arrangements aren’t in place yet 3 1 4 4%
I have a budget but I don't feel I've been involved in decisions about it 1 1 1%
Not sure 1 1 1%
Total 59 30 89 100%

When you first contacted the support project, how long had you been looking for information or support? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Not long, I had just started looking 32 9 41 47%
For a while (up to 3 months) 7 5 12 14%
For a long time (longer than 3 months) 10 10 20 23%
Something else - please write in 9 5 14 16%
Total 58 29 87 100%

How did you hear about the support project? (Please tick all that apply)

Own Third Party Total
Social worker 25 10 35
Another support or care worker 16 2 18
Internet 2 2
Advert/ poster/ leaflet 1 1
An event 3 4 7
Health worker (like a health visitor or CPN) 2 2
Family member or friend 6 4 10
Other advice or information project 4 4
They had helped me in the past 2 2
They were helping me about something else at the time 1 1 2
Something else 7 5 12

What did you know about individual budgets when you contacted them? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Nothing at all 27 11 38 44%
A little 24 12 36 41%
A lot but was looking for help with something 7 5 12 14%
Something else 1 1 1%
Total 58 29 87 100%

Roughly how long have you been in contact with the support project about an individual budget? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Only a few weeks or months 10 8 18 22%
Up to a year 8 3 11 13%
More than a year 33 14 47 57%
Not sure 4 3 7 8%
Total 55 28 83 100%

What type of things have you been getting help with? (Please tick all that apply)

Own Third Party Total
Applying for a budget 21 13 34
Being assessed by the council 14 13 27
Advice on which option I wanted to use (for example whether I wanted a direct payment) 27 17 44
Deciding on what type of care or support I want 25 16 41
Setting up the care package 26 13 39
Recruiting or employing a Personal Assistant 33 11 44
Paying people (payroll services) 33 11 44
A review of the budget 19 12 31
Information about other services 13 13 26
Help to access other services 12 7 19
Something else 9 3 12

How do you feel about the information and support you received? (Please tick the one that fits best)

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
It made an enormous difference. I/we would have really struggled without it 29 20 49 58%
It made a big difference. It has really helped me 16 4 20 24%
It made a bit of a difference and made things a bit easier 6 3 9 11%
I don't think it made much of a difference 0 0%
It made no difference at all 0 0%
Something else 5 2 7 8%
Total 56 29 85 100%

Is there anything you would have liked help or support with but the project wasn’t able to help?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Yes 7 5 12 15%
No 40 18 58 73%
Not sure 6 4 10 13%
Total 53 27 80 100%

Are you still in contact with the support project?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Yes, they are still supporting me or giving me information and advice 42 24 66 79%
No, I’m not getting support or advice from them at the moment 13 5 18 21%
Total 55 29 84 100%

Have you also been receiving advice or support about the individual budget from anyone else?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Yes 25 7 32 40%
No 24 21 45 56%
Not sure 4 4 5%
Total 53 28 81 100%

Who else have you also been receiving advice or support from?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
Social worker 19 2 21 62%
Another care or support worker 2 2 6%
Family member or friend 2 2 6%
Other advice or information project 1 3 4 12%
Someone else - please write in 3 2 5 15%
Total 27 7 34 100%

What are the main reasons why the person who has a budget needs care and/or support? (Please tick all that apply)

Own Third Party Total
Alcohol or drug dependency 0
Autism 6 6 12
Being a carer 17 17
Being younger and needing support starting out 1 1
Deafness/hearing loss 3 3
Dementia 1 6 7
Learning disability or difficulty 12 17 29
Long term / chronic health condition 17 6 23
Mental health problems 11 7 18
Physical disability or mobility issues 30 13 43
Problems connected with ageing 4 3 7
Terminal illness 1 1
Visual impairment 4 7 11
Other type of disability or health problem 10 7 17

Do you act as a carer for someone other than the person whose individual budget you have responsibility for?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
No, I am not a carer 23 10 33 43%
Yes, I am a full-time carer for someone I live with 16 4 20 26%
Yes, I am a part-time carer for someone I live with 3 2 5 6%
Yes, I am a full-time carer but I do not live with the person I care for 1 1 1%
Yes, I am a part-time carer but I do not live with the person I care for 3 2 5 6%
Something else - please write in 7 6 13 17%
Total 53 24 77 100%

Please tell us which of the following best describes how you use the internet?

Own Third Party Total
N N N %
I don’t use the internet 4 4 5%
It’s easy to get online and it’s easy to look for information 32 23 55 68%
It’s easy to get online but I don’t find it easy to use 8 1 9 11%
Someone helps me find things online if I need to 8 2 10 12%
Something else 2 1 3 4%
Total 54 27 81 100%


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