Offshore wind developments - collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters: literature review
Literature review of the risk of collision and displacement in petrels and shearwaters from offshore wind developments in Scotland.
Part of
Annex 2: Catalogue of data sources
Parameter/data group |
Manx Shearwater |
European Storm-petrel |
Leach's Storm-petrel |
Northern Fulmar |
Sooty Shearwater |
Scot |
UK & I |
Worlda |
Scot |
UK & I |
Worlda |
Scot |
UK & I |
Worlda |
Scot |
UK & I |
Worlda |
Scot |
UK & I |
Worlda |
Marine distributionR |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 |
2, 3, 5, 6, 9 |
2, 5, 6, 9 |
2, 3, 6, 9, 10 |
2, 9, 11, 12 |
TrackingR |
7, 8, 13, 14b, 15b, 16b, 17b |
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 |
27 |
28 |
29‡, 30‡ |
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 |
10, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 |
42, 43, 44, 45 |
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54 |
Colony size & locationR |
55, 56 |
55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62 |
55, 62, 63, 64, 65 |
55, 66 |
67, 68, 69, 70, 71 |
Foraging rangeR |
13 |
15, 16, 20, 25, 72, 73 |
27 |
28 |
29‡, 30‡ |
31, 32, 36 |
73 |
47, 48, 54 |
Habitat associationsR |
2, 13 |
14 |
2 |
28, 74 |
29‡, 30‡ |
2 |
32, 75 |
2, 10, 39 |
76 |
2 |
48, 53, 54, 77, 78 |
Age at first breedingN |
79, 80 |
81 |
82 |
83, 84 |
85 |
ProductivityR |
86, 87, 88, 89 |
90, 91 |
92 |
93, 94, 95 |
96, 97‡, 98, 99‡, 100‡ |
101, 102, 103 |
104 |
86, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110 |
111, 112, 113 |
SurvivalR |
114 |
79, 80, 115, 116, 117, 118 |
60, 114 |
94, 117, 119 |
120, 121‡ |
122 |
104, 123, 124, 125 |
84, 126, 127, 128, 129 |
85, 130 |
Body lengthG |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
WingspanG |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
Flight typeG |
89 |
132, 133 |
134, 135 |
136† |
135 |
136† |
134, 135 |
137 |
135, 138‡ |
134, 135 |
Flight heightG |
139 |
140, 141 |
134‡, 138‡, 142† |
136†, 139 |
142† |
136† |
142† |
139, 143 |
140, 141 |
134, 138‡, 144 |
139† |
134‡, 138‡, 142†, 145 |
Flight speedG |
15, 16, 23, 25, 132 |
134‡ |
28 |
29‡, 30‡, 134‡ |
134‡, 146‡ |
37, 137 |
42, 45, 134‡, 147 |
47, 134‡ |
Nocturnal activityR |
89† |
14, 16, 23, 25 |
27† |
148† |
149† |
150† |
41, 151†, 152†, 153 |
53, 154 |
Adult body massN |
89, 155 |
156, 157, 158 |
131, 159 |
160, 161 |
94, 162 |
131, 159, 163, 164, 165, 166 |
161, 167 |
131, 159, 168 |
131, 159 |
131, 159, 169, 170 |
Chick mass/growth rateR |
89 |
80, 157, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175 |
176 |
177, 178, 179 |
94, 180 |
102 |
181, 182, 183, 184 |
185, 186, 187 |
Length of breeding seasonR |
89 |
24, 80, 157 |
131 |
93, 94 |
96, 131 |
102 |
131, 188 |
189 |
131 |
131, 169, 170 |
Energy requirement – adultN |
190 |
191 |
176 |
92, 192, 193 |
191 |
191 |
194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 |
190, 206, 207, 208 |
191 |
195, 209, 210, 211 |
191 |
195, 205, 212 |
Energy requirement – chickN |
176 |
183, 205 |
Maximum brood sizeG |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
131 |
Dive depthR |
19 |
213† |
214‡ |
215 |
77, 216 |
AvoidanceG |
217 |
218 |
218, 219, 220 |
Non-light attractionG |
221†, 222 |
223‡, 224‡, 225‡ |
221† |
223‡, 224‡, 225‡, 226‡ |
221† |
223‡, 224, 225 |
221† |
223‡, 224‡, 225‡, 227 |
221† |
223‡, 224‡, 225‡ |
Light attraction/ disorientationG |
222, 228 |
229, 230, 231, 232 |
233†, 234, 235 |
222, 236, 237, |
233†, 235‡, 238† |
222 |
233†, 234, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244†, 245 |
234 |
233†, 234, 246† |
Parameter superscripts refer to whether a parameter is likely to vary at a regional (R) or national (N) scale or is expected to be similar globally (G).
Superscripts elsewhere identify data source limitations:
† Qualitative data or expert opinion
‡ Data for closely related taxa (including Mediterranean Storm-petrel)
a 'World' includes general references or when unclear where data from geographically.
b These references relate to birds tagged at colonies outside of Scotland, but that used Scottish waters.
Whether or not an item was freely publicly available at the time of the review is stated at the end of each reference in the bibliography below as (Yes) or (No).
1. Stone, C., Webb, A. & Tasker, M. 1994. The distribution of Manx shearwaters Puffinus puffinus in north-west European waters. Bird Study, 41, 170-180. (Yes)
2. Skov, H., Durinck, J., Danielsen, F. & Bloch, D. 1994. The summer distribution of Procellariiformes in the central North Atlantic Ocean. Die Vogelwarte, 37, 270-28. (Yes)
3. Waggitt, J.J., Evans, P.G., Andrade, J., Banks, A.N., Boisseau, O., Bolton, M., Bradbury, G., Brereton, T., Camphuysen, C.J. & Durinck, J. 2020. Distribution maps of cetacean and seabird populations in the North‐East Atlantic. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57, 253-269. (Yes)
4. Critchley, E.J., Grecian, W.J., Kane, A., Jessopp, M.J. & Quinn, J.L. 2018. Marine protected areas show low overlap with projected distributions of seabird populations in Britain and Ireland. Biological Conservation, 224, 309-317. (Yes)
5. Hall, A.J., Tasker, M.L. & Webb, A. 1987. The marine distribution of Sooty Shearwater, Manx Shearwater, Storm Petrel and Leach's Petrel in the North Sea. Seabird, 10, 60-70. (Yes)
6. Kober, K., Webb, A., Win, I., Lewis, M., O'Brien, S., Wilson, L.J. & Reid, J.B. 2009. An analysis of the numbers and distribution of seabirds within the British Fishery Limit aimed at identifying areas that qualify as possible marine SPAs. JNCC Report, No. 431. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
7. McSorley, C., Wilson, L., Dunn, T., Gray, C., Dean, B., Webb, A. & Reid, J. 2008. Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus evening rafting behaviour around colonies on Skomer, Rum and Bardsey: its spatial extent and implications for recommending seaward boundary extensions to existing colony Special Protection Areas in the UK. JNCC Report no. 406. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
8. Wilson, L.J., McSorley, C.A., Gray, C.M., Dean, B.J., Dunn, T.E., Webb, A. & Reid, J.B. 2009. Radio-telemetry as a tool to define protected areas for seabirds in the marine environment. Biological Conservation, 142, 1808-1817. (Yes)
9. Stone, C., Webb, A., Barton, C., Ratcliffe, N., Reed, T., Tasker, M.L., Camphuysen, C. & Pienkowski, M. 1995. An atlas of seabird distribution in north-west European waters, Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
10. Darby, J., de Grissac, S., Arneill, G., Pirotta, E., Waggitt, J., Börger, L., Shepard, E., Cabot, D., Owen, E. & Bolton, M. 2021. Foraging distribution of breeding northern fulmars is predicted by commercial fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 679, 181-194. (Yes)
11. Phillips, J. 1963. The pelagic distribution of the Sooty Shearwater Procellaria grisea. Ibis, 105, 340-353. (No)
12. Camphuysen, C.J. 1995. Sooty and Manx shearwaters in the southern North Sea: An offshore perspective. Limosa, 68, 1-9. (Yes)
13. Dean, B., Kirk, H., Fayet, A., Shoji, A., Freeman, R., Leonard, K., Perrins, C.M. & Guilford, T. 2015. Simultaneous multi-colony tracking of a pelagic seabird reveals cross-colony utilization of a shared foraging area. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 538, 239-248. (Yes)
14. Kane, A., Pirotta, E., Wischnewski, S., Critchley, E.J., Bennison, A., Jessopp, M. & Quinn, J.L. 2020. Spatio-temporal patterns of foraging behaviour in a wide-ranging seabird reveal the role of primary productivity in locating prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 646, 175-188. (Yes)
15. Wischnewski, S., Arneill, G.E., Bennison, A.W., Dillane, E., Poupart, T.A., Hinde, C.A., Jessopp, M.J. & Quinn, J.L. 2019. Variation in foraging strategies over a large spatial scale reduces parent-offspring conflict in Manx shearwaters. Animal Behaviour, 151, 165-176. (No)
16. Dean, B., Freeman, R., Kirk, H., Leonard, K., Phillips, R.A., Perrins, C.M. & Guilford, T. 2013. Behavioural mapping of a pelagic seabird: combining multiple sensors and a hidden Markov model reveals the distribution of at-sea behaviour. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10, 20120570. (Yes)
17. Padget, O., Stanley, G., Willis, J.K., Fayet, A.L., Bond, S., Maurice, L., Shoji, A., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Juarez-Martinez, I., Freeman, R., Bolton, M. & Guilford, T. 2019. Shearwaters know the direction and distance home but fail to encode intervening obstacles after free-ranging foraging trips. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116, 21629-21633. (Yes)
18. Wynn, J., Guilford, T., Padget, O., Perrins, C.M., McKee, N., Gillies, N., Tyson, C., Dean, B., Kirk, H. & Fayet, A.L. 2021. Early‐life development of contrasting outbound and return migration routes in a long‐lived seabird. Ibis, 164, 596-602. (Yes)
19. Shoji, A., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Freeman, R., Perrins, C.M. & Guilford, T. 2016. The diving behaviour of the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus. Ibis, 158, 598-606. (Yes)
20. Dean, B., Freeman, R., Kirk, H. & Guilford, T. 2010. Tracking the movements of Lundy's shearwaters. 60th Annual Report of the Lundy Field Society (Yes)
21. Freeman, R., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Leonard, K., Phillips, R.A., Perrins, C.M. & Guilford, T. 2013. Predictive ethoinformatics reveals the complex migratory behaviour of a pelagic seabird, the Manx Shearwater. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10, 20130279. (Yes)
22. Freeman, R., Flack, A., Taylor, C., Dean, B., Kirk, H., Fayet, A., Perrins, C. & Guilford, T. 2012. The foraging and migration of Manx shearwaters on Lundy. 61st Annual Report of the Lundy Field Society. (Yes)
23. Fayet, A.L., Freeman, R., Shoji, A., Padget, O., Perrins, C.M. & Guilford, T. 2015. Lower foraging efficiency in immatures drives spatial segregation with breeding adults in a long-lived pelagic seabird. Animal Behaviour, 110, 79-89. (Yes)
24. Guilford, T., Meade, J., Willis, J., Phillips, R.A., Boyle, D., Roberts, S., Collett, M., Freeman, R. & Perrins, C. 2009. Migration and stopover in a small pelagic seabird, the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus: insights from machine learning. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 276, 1215-1223. (Yes)
25. Guilford, T., Meade, J., Freeman, R., Biro, D., Evans, T., Bonadonna, F., Boyle, D., Roberts, S. & Perrins, C. 2008. GPS tracking of the foraging movements of Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus breeding on Skomer Island, Wales. Ibis, 150, 462-473. (No)
26. Critchley, E.J., Grecian, W.J., Bennison, A., Kane, A., Wischnewski, S., Canadas, A., Tierney, D., Quinn, J.L. & Jessopp, M.J. 2020. Assessing the effectiveness of foraging radius models for seabird distributions using biotelemetry and survey data. Ecography, 43, 184-196. (Yes)
27. Bolton, M. 2021. GPS tracking reveals highly consistent use of restricted foraging areas by European Storm-petrels Hydrobates pelagicus breeding at the largest UK colony: implications for conservation management. Bird Conservation International, 31, 35-52. (Yes)
28. Wilkinson, D. 2021. Environmental and phylogenetic drivers of European storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) foraging behaviour from two colonies in Ireland. MSc Thesis, University College Cork. (Yes)
29. De Pascalis, F., Pala, D., Pisu, D., Morinay, J., Benvenuti, A., Spano, C., Ruiu, A., Serra, L., Rubolini, D. & Cecere, J.G. 2021. Searching on the edge: dynamic oceanographic features increase foraging opportunities in a small pelagic seabird. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 668, 121-132. (No)
30. Rotger, A., Sola, A., Tavecchia, G. & Sanz-Aguilar, A. 2021. Foraging Far from Home: Gps-tracking of Mediterranean Storm-petrels Hydrobates pelagicus melitensis reveals long-distance foraging movements. Ardeola, 68, 3-16. (No)
31. Pollet, I.L., Ronconi, R.A., Jonsen, I.D., Leonard, M.L., Taylor, P.D. & Shutler, D. 2014. Foraging movements of Leach's storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa during incubation. Journal of Avian Biology, 45, 305-314. (Yes)
32. Hedd, A., Pollet, I.L., Mauck, R.A., Burke, C.M., Mallory, M.L., McFarlane Tranquilla, L.A., Montevecchi, W.A., Robertson, G.J., Ronconi, R.A. & Shutler, D. 2018. Foraging areas, offshore habitat use, and colony overlap by incubating Leach's storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa in the Northwest Atlantic. PloS one, 13, e0194389. (Yes)
33. Pollet, I.L., Ronconi, R.A., Leonard, M.L. & Shutler, D. 2019. Migration routes and stopover areas of Leach's Storm Petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa. Marine Ornithology, 47, 55-65. (Yes)
34. Pollet, I.L., Hedd, A., Taylor, P.D., Montevecchi, W.A. & Shutler, D. 2014. Migratory movements and wintering areas of Leach's Storm-Petrels tracked using geolocators. Journal of Field Ornithology, 85, 321-328. (Yes)
35. Halpin, L.R., Pollet, I.L., Lee, C., Morgan, K.H. & Carter, H.R. 2018. Year‐round movements of sympatric Fork‐tailed (Oceanodroma furcata) and Leach's (O. leucorhoa) storm‐petrels. Journal of Field Ornithology, 89, 207-220. (Yes)
36. Collins, S.M., Hedd, A., Fifield, D.A., Wilson, D.R. & Montevecchi, W.A. 2022. Foraging paths of breeding Leach's Storm-Petrels in relation to offshore oil platforms, breeding stage, and year. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 816659. (Yes)
37. Edwards, E.W., Quinn, L.R., Wakefield, E.D., Miller, P.I. & Thompson, P.M. 2013. Tracking a northern fulmar from a Scottish nesting site to the Charlie-Gibbs Fracture Zone: Evidence of linkage between coastal breeding seabirds and Mid-Atlantic Ridge feeding sites. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 98, 438-444. (Yes)
38. Edwards, E.W.J., Quinn, L.R. & Thompson, P.M. 2016. State‐space modelling of geolocation data reveals sex differences in the use of management areas by breeding northern fulmars. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53, 1880-1889. (Yes)
39. Edwards, E.W.J. 2015. The breeding season foraging trip characteristics, foraging distribution and habitat preference of northern fulmars, Fulmarus glacialis. PhD thesis: University of Aberdeen. (Yes)
40. Quinn, L.R. 2014. Intra-and inter-colony differences in non-breeding strategies in the Northern Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis. Aberdeen University. (Yes)
41. Dupuis, B., Amélineau, F., Tarroux, A., Bjørnstad, O., Bråthen, V.S., Danielsen, J., Descamps, S., Fauchald, P., Hallgrimsson, G.T. & Hansen, E.S. 2021. Light-level geolocators reveal spatial variations in interactions between northern fulmars and fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676, 159-172. (Yes)
42. Falk, K. & Møller, S. 1995. Satellite tracking of high-arctic northern fulmars. Polar Biology, 15, 495-502. (Yes)
43. Huettmann, F. & Diamond, A. 2000. Seabird migration in the Canadian northwest Atlantic Ocean: moulting locations and movement patterns of immature birds. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 78, 624-647. (Yes)
44. Strøm, H., Descamps, S., Ekker, M., Fauchald, P. & Moe, B. 2021. Tracking the movements of North Atlantic seabirds: steps towards a better understanding of population dynamics and marine ecosystem conservation. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 676, 97-116. (Yes)
45. Weimerskirch, H., Chastel, O., Cherel, Y., Henden, J.-A. & Tveraa, T. 2001. Nest attendance and foraging movements of northern fulmars rearing chicks at Bjørnøya Barents Sea. Polar Biology, 24, 83-88. (Yes)
46. Shaffer, S.A., Tremblay, Y., Weimerskirch, H., Scott, D., Thompson, D.R., Sagar, P.M., Moller, H., Taylor, G.A., Foley, D.G., Block, B.A. & Costa, D.P. 2006. Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources across the Pacific Ocean in an endless summer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103, 12799. (Yes)
47. Söhle, I.S., Robertson, C.J.R., Nicholls, D.G., Mouritsen, H., Frost, B. & Moller, H. 2007. Satellite tracking of sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus) during their pre-laying "exodus" and incubation. Notornis, 54, 180-188. (Yes)
48. Raymond, B., Shaffer, S.A., Sokolov, S., Woehler, E.J., Costa, D.P., Einoder, L., Hindell, M., Hosie, G., Pinkerton, M., Sagar, P.M., Scott, D., Smith, A., Thompson, D.R., Vertigan, C. & Weimerskirch, H. 2010. Shearwater Foraging in the Southern Ocean: The Roles of Prey Availability and Winds. PLoS ONE, 5, e10960. (Yes)
49. Adams, J., Macleod, C., Suryan, R.M., David Hyrenbach, K. & Harvey, J.T. 2012. Summer-time use of west coast US National Marine Sanctuaries by migrating sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus). Biological Conservation, 156, 105-116. (Yes)
50. Adams, J. 2011. Movements, migration, and ocean habits of six Pacific seabird species. PhD, University of Otago. (No)
51. Adams, J., Scott, D., McKechnie, S., Blackwell, G., Shaffer, S.A. & Moller, H. 2009. Effects of geolocation archival tags on reproduction and adult body mass of sooty shearwaters (Puffinus griseus). New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 36, 355-366. (Yes)
52. Adams, J. & Flora, S. 2009. Correlating seabird movements with ocean winds: linking satellite telemetry with ocean scatterometry. Marine Biology, 157, 915-929. (Yes)
53. Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S., Dias, M.P., Phillips, R.A., Granadeiro, J.P., Brooke, M.d.L., Chastel, O., Clay, T.A., Fayet, A.L., Gilg, O. & González-Solís, J. 2021. Seabird Migration Strategies: Flight Budgets, Diel Activity Patterns, and Lunar Influence. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 683071. (Yes)
54. Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S., Catry, P., Clark, T.J., Campioni, L., Kuepfer, A., Tierny, M., Kilbride, E. & Wakefield, E.D. 2020. Habitat preferences, foraging behaviour and bycatch risk among breeding sooty shearwaters Ardenna grisea in the Southwest Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 651, 163-181. (Yes)
55. Mitchell, P.I., Newton, S.F., Ratcliffe, N. & Dunn, T.E. 2004. Seabird populations of Britain and Ireland, London, T. & AD Poyser. (No)
56. Inger, R., Sherley, R.B., Lennon, J., Winn, N., Scriven, N., Ozsanlav-Harris, L. & Bearhop, S. 2022. Surveys of Breeding Cliff-nesting Seabirds, Ground-nesting Seabirds and Burrow-nesting Seabirds in Western Scotland. Report to Marine Scotland. (No)
57. De León, A., Mínguez, E., Harvey, P., Meek, E., Crane, J.E. & Furness, R.W. 2006. Factors affecting breeding distribution of Storm-petrels Hydrobates pelagicus in Orkney and Shetland. Bird Study, 53, 64-72. (Yes)
58. Bolton, M., Sheehan, D., Bolton, S.E., Bolton, J.A. & Bolton, J.R. 2017. Resurvey reveals arrested population growth of the largest UK colony of European Storm-petrels Hydrobates pelagicus, Mousa, Shetland. Seabird, 30, 15-30. (Yes)
59. Ward, R. 2018. Treshnish Isles Auk Ringing Group Annual Report 2018. Cambridgeshire: Treshnish Isles Auk Ringing Group. (Yes)
60. Insley, H., Hounsome, M., Mayhew, P. & Elliott, S. 2014. Mark-recapture and playback surveys reveal a steep decline of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus at the largest colony in western Scotland. Ringing & Migration, 29, 29-36. (Yes)
61. JNCC. 2021. European storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus) [Online]. Available: [Accessed 07th February 2022]. (Yes)
62. Murray, S., Shewry, M., Harden, J., Jamie, K. & Parsons, M. 2010. A survey of Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa and European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus populations on North Rona and Sula Sgeir, Western Isles, Scotland, in 2009. Seabird, 23, 25-40. (Yes)
63. Miles, W., Hunter, P., Wilson, M., Bacon, A., Tyler, G., Kelly, K., Sturgeon, J., Ellis, P., Johnson, L., Tallack, R.M., Thomason, B. & Okill, J.D. 2021. Leach's Storm Petrels Hydrobates leucorhous breeding on Gloup Holm: the third discovered breeding site in Shetland. Seabird, 33, 66-73. (Yes)
64. Deakin, Z., Hansen, E.S., Luxmoore, R., Thomas, R.J., Wood, M.J., Padget, O., Medeiros, R.J., Aitchison, R., Ausden, M., Barnard, R., Booth, V., Hansen, B.R., Hansen, E.A., Hey, J., Hilmarsson, J.Ó., Hoyer, P., Kirby, W., Luxmoore, A., McDevitt, A.-M., Meulemans, F.M., Moore, P., Sanderson, F., Sigursteinsson, M., Taylor, P.R., Thomson, P., Trotman, D., Wallisch, K., Wallisch, N., Watson, D. & Bolton, M. 2021. Decline of Leach's Storm Petrels Hydrobates leucorhous at the largest colonies in the northeast Atlantic. Seabird, 33, 74-106. (Yes)
65. Murray, S., Shewry, M.C., Elliott, S., Jones, D. & Harden, J. 2016. A survey of Leach's Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa on North Rona, Western Isles, Scotland in 2015. Seabird, 29, 66-75. (Yes)
66. JNCC. 2021. Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) [Online]. Available: [Accessed 23/02/2022]. (Yes)
67. Brooke, M. 2004. Albatrosses and Petrels Across the World, Oxford University Press. (No)
68. Reyes-Arriagada, R., Campos-Ellwanger, P., Schlatter, R.P. & Baduini, C. 2007. Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) on Guafo Island: the largest seabird colony in the world? Biodiversity and Conservation, 16, 913-930. (Yes)
69. Catry, P., Clark, T., Crofts, S., Stanworth, A. & Wakefield, E. 2019. Changes and consistencies in marine and coastal bird numbers on Kidney Island (Falkland Islands) over half a century. Polar Biology, 42, 2171-2176. (Yes)
70. Clark, T.J., Matthiopoulos, J., Bonnet-Lebrun, A.-S., Campioni, L., Catry, P., Marengo, I., Poncet, S. & Wakefield, E. 2019. Integrating habitat and partial survey data to estimate the regional population of a globally declining seabird species, the sooty shearwater. Global Ecology and Conservation, 17, e00554. (Yes)
71. BirdLife International. 2022. Species factsheet: Ardenna grisea [Online]. Available: [Accessed 22/02/2022]. (Yes)
72. Dean, B. 2012. The at-sea behaviour of the Manx Shearwater. PhD Thesis, Oxford University, UK. (Yes)
73. Woodward, I., Thaxter, C.B., Owen, E. & Cook, A.S.C.P. 2019. Desk-based revision of seabird foraging ranges used for HRA screening. BTO Research Report No. 724. Thetford: The British Trust for Ornithology. (No)
74. Scott, B., Webb, A., Palmer, M., Embling, C. & Sharples, J. 2013. Fine scale bio-physical oceanographic characteristics predict the foraging occurrence of contrasting seabird species; Gannet (Morus bassanus) and storm petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus). Progress in Oceanography, 117, 118-129. (Yes)
75. Camphuysen, K.C.J. 2007. Where two oceans meet: distribution and offshore interactions of great-winged petrels Pterodroma macroptera and Leach's storm petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa off southern Africa. Journal of Ornithology, 148, 333-346. (Yes)
76. Camphuysen, K. & Garthe, S. 1997. An evaluation of the distribution and scavenging habits of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in the North Sea. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54, 654-683. (Yes)
77. Shaffer, S.A., Weimerskirch, H., Scott, D., Pinaud, D., Thompson, D.R., Sagar, P.M., Moller, H., Taylor, G.A., Foley, D.G., Tremblay, Y. & Costa, D.P. 2009. Spatiotemporal habitat use by breeding sooty shearwaters Puffinus Griseus. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 391, 209-220. (Yes)
78. Briggs, K.T. & Chu, E.W. 1986. Sooty shearwaters off California: distribution, abundance and habitat use. The Condor, 88, 355-364. (Yes)
79. Harris, M. 1966. Age of return to the colony, age of breeding and adult survival of Manx Shearwaters. Bird study, 13, 84-95. (Yes)
80. Brooke, M. 1977. The breeding biology of the Manx shearwater. PhD Thesis, University of Oxford, UK. (Yes)
81. Okill, J.D. & Bolton, M. 2005. Ages of Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus prospecting potential breeding colonies. Ringing & migration, 22, 205-208. (Yes)
82. Huntington, C. & Burtt, E. 1970. Breeding age and longevity in Leach's Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa). 15th International Ornithological Congress. (No)
83. Dunnet, G.M., Ollason, J.C. & Anderson, A. 1979. A 28‐year study of breeding Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis in Orkney. Ibis, 121, 293-300. (No)
84. Dunnet, G. & Ollason, J.C. 1978. Survival and longevity in the Fulmar. Ibis, 120, 124-125. (No)
85. Fletcher, D., Moller, H., Clucas, R., Bragg, C., Scott, D., Scofield, P., Hunter, C.M., Win, I., Newman, J., McKechnie, S., De Cruz, J. & Lyver, P. 2013. Age at First Return to the Breeding Colony and Juvenile Survival of Sooty Shearwaters. The Condor, 115, 465-476. (Yes)
86. JNCC 2021. Seabird Population Trends and Causes of Change: 1986–2019. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
87. Mavor, R.A., Parsons, M., Heubeck, M., Pickerell, G. & Schmitt, S. 2006. Seabird numbers and breeding success in Britain and Ireland, 2005, Peterborough, Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
88. Thompson, K. & Furness, R. 1991. The influence of rainfall and nest‐site quality on the population dynamics of the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus on Rhum. Journal of Zoology, 225, 427-437. (No)
89. Thompson, K.R. 1987. The ecology of the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus on Rhum, West Scotland. PhD Thesis, University of Glasgow. (Yes)
90. Brooke, M. 1978. Some factors affecting the laying date, incubation and breeding success of the Manx Shearwater, Puffinus puffinus. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 47, 477-495. (No)
91. Booker, H., Price, D. & Taylor, T. 2008. Manx Shearwater breeding success on Lundy 2007. Journal of the Lundy Field Society. (Yes)
92. Bolton, M. 1996. Energy expenditure, body‐weight and foraging performance of Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus breeding in artificial nesting chambers. Ibis, 138, 405-409. (No)
93. Davis, P. 1957. The Breeding of the Storm Petrel. British Birds, 50, 85-101. (Yes)
94. Scott, D. 1970. The breeding biology of the Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus. PhD Thesis, University of Oxford, UK. (Yes)
95. Brown, R. & Eagle, G. 2022. Skokholm Bird Observatory Seabird Report 2021. Cardigan: Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales. (Yes)
96. Cadiou, B. 2001. The breeding biology of the European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in Brittany, France. Atlantic seabirds, 3, 149-164. (Yes)
97. Hernández, N., Oro, D. & Sanz-Aguilar, A. 2017. Environmental conditions, age, and senescence differentially influence survival and reproduction in the Storm Petrel. Journal of Ornithology, 158, 113-123. (Yes)
98. Hémery, G. 1980. Dynamique de la population Basque Française de Pétrels tempête (Hydrobates pelagicus) de 1974 a 1979. L'Oiseau et la Revue Française d'Ornithologie, 50, 217-218. (No)
99. Sanz-Aguilar, A., Martínez-Abraín, A., Tavecchia, G., Mínguez, E. & Oro, D. 2009. Evidence-based culling of a facultative predator: efficacy and efficiency components. Biological Conservation, 142, 424-431. (Yes)
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101. Money, S., Söhle, I. & Parsons, M. 2008. A pilot study of the phenology and breeding success of Leach's Storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa on St Kilda. Seabird, 21, 98-101. (Yes)
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103. Bicknell, T.W., Reid, J.B. & Votier, S.C. 2009. Probable predation of Leach's Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa eggs by St Kilda Field Mice Apodemus sylvaticus hirtensis. Bird Study, 56, 419-422. (Yes)
104. Mauck, R.A., Huntington, C.E. & Doherty, P.F. 2012. Experience versus effort: what explains dynamic heterogeneity with respect to age? Oikos, 121, 1379-1390. (No)
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106. Shaw, D., Holt, C., Maggs, H. & de Palacio, D. 2002. Fair Isle Seabird Studies 2000. JNCC Report No. 332. Peterborough: Joint Nature Conservation Committee. (Yes)
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110. Ollason, J.C. & Dunnet, G. 1978. Age, experience and other factors affecting the breeding success of the Fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis, in Orkney. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 961-976.
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112. Newman, J., Fletcher, D., Moller, H., Bragg, C., Scott, D. & McKechnie, S. 2009. Estimates of productivity and detection probabilities of breeding attempts in the sooty shearwater (Puffinus griseus), a burrow-nesting petrel. Wildlife Research, 36, 159-168. (Yes)
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118. Perrins, C.M. 2014. Factors affecting survival of fledgling Manx shearwaters Puffinus puffinus. Seabird, 27, 62-71. (Yes)
119. Dagys, M. 2001. Anthropogenic Effects on Populations of Breeding Seabirds in Britain and Ireland: A Ring Recovery Analysis. PhD Thesis, The University of Manchester, UK. (No)
120. Zabala, J., Zuberogoitia, I., Martínez-Climent, J.A. & Etxezarreta, J. 2011. Do long lived seabirds reduce the negative effects of acute pollution on adult survival by skipping breeding? A study with European storm petrels (Hydrobates pelagicus) during the "Prestige" oil-spill. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62, 109-115. (No)
121. Sanz-Aguilar, A., Tavecchia, G., Pradel, R., Mínguez, E. & Oro, D. 2008. The cost of reproduction and experience‐dependent vital rates in a small petrel. Ecology, 89, 3195-3203. (Yes)
122. MacDonald, A., Heath, M., Edwards, M., Furness, R., Pinnegar, J.K., Wanless, S. & Speirs, D. 2015. Climate driven trophic cascades affecting seabirds around the British Isles. In: Hughes, R.N., et al. (eds.) Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review. Boca Raton: CRC Press. (Yes)
123. Fife, D., Pollet, I., Robertson, G., Mallory, M. & Shutler, D. 2015. Apparent survival of adult Leach's storm-petrels (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) breeding on Bon Portage Island, Nova Scotia. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 10, 1. (Yes)
124. Pollet, I.L., Bond, A.L., Hedd, A., Huntington, C.E., Butler, R.G. & Mauck, R. 2019. Leach's Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma leucorhoa) [Online]. Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. Available: [Accessed 15th February 2022]. (No)
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126. Grosbois, V. & Thompson, P.M. 2005. North Atlantic climate variation influences survival in adult fulmars. Oikos, 109, 273-290. (Yes)
127. Dunnet, G., Anderson, A. & Cormack, R. 1963. A study of survival of adult fulmars with observations on the pre-laying exodus. British Birds, 56, 2-18. (Yes)
128. Dunnet, G. & Ollason, J.C. 1978. The estimation of survival rate in the fulmar, Fulmarus glacialis. The Journal of Animal Ecology, 47, 507-520. (No)
129. Cordes, L.S., Hedworth, H.E., Cabot, D., Cassidy, M. & Thompson, P.M. 2015. Parallel declines in survival of adult Northern Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis at colonies in Scotland and Ireland. Ibis, 157, 631-636. (Yes)
130. Clucas, R.J., Fletcher, D.J. & Moller, H. 2008. Estimates of adult survival rate for three colonies of Sooty Shearwater (Puffinus griseus) in New Zealand. Emu, 108, 237-250. (Yes)
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133. Spivey, R., Stansfield, S. & Bishop, C. 2014. Analysing the intermittent flapping flight of a Manx Shearwater, Puffinus puffinus, and its sporadic use of a wave-meandering wing-sailing flight strategy. Progress in Oceanography, 125, 62-73. (Yes)
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135. Warham, J. 1977. Wing loadings, wing shapes, and flight capabilities of Procellariiformes. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 4, 73-83. (Yes)
136. Flood, R.L. & Thomas, B. 2007. Identification of "black-and-white" storm-petrels of the North Atlantic. British Birds, 100, 407-442. (Yes)
137. Pennycuick, C. 1987. Flight of auks (Alcidae) and other northern seabirds compared with southern Procellariiformes: ornithodolite observations. Journal of Experimental Biology, 128, 335-347. (Yes)
138. Ainley, D.G., Porzig, E., Zajanc, D. & Spear, L.B. 2015. Seabird flight behavior and height in response to altered wind strength and direction. Marine Ornithology, 43, 25-36. (Yes)
139. Cook, A., Johnston, A., Wright, L.J. & Burton, N.H. 2012. Strategic Ornithological Support Services Project SOSS-02: A Review of Flight Heights and Avoidance Rates of Birds in Relation to Offshore Wind Farms. Thetford, Norfolk: British Trust for Ornithology. (Yes)
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141. Johnston, A., Cook, A., Wright, L.J., Humphreys, E.M. & Burton, N.H.K. 2014. Modelling flight heights of marine birds to more accurately assess collision risk with offshore wind turbines. Journal of Applied Ecology, 51, 1126-1130. (Yes)
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148. D'Elbee, J. & Hemery, G. 1997. Diet and foraging behaviour of the British Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus in the Bay of Biscay during summer. Ardea, 85, 1-10. (Yes)
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150. Hedd, A. & Montevecchi, W.A. 2006. Diet and trophic position of Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa during breeding and moult, inferred from stable isotope analysis of feathers. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 322, 291-301. (Yes)
151. Furness, R.W. & Todd, C.M. 1984. Diets and feeding of fulmars Fulmarus glacialis during the breeding season: a comparison between St Kilda and Shetland colonies. Ibis, 126, 379-387. (No)
152. Ojowski, U., Eidtmann, C., Furness, R. & Garthe, S. 2001. Diet and nest attendance of incubating and chick-rearing northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) in Shetland. Marine Biology, 139, 1193-1200. (Yes)
153. Garthe, S. & Hüppop, O. 1993. Gulls and fulmars following ships and feeding on discards at night. Ornis Svecica, 3, 159-161. (No)
154. Hedd, A., Montevecchi, W.A., Otley, H., Phillips, R.A. & Fifield, D.A. 2012. Trans-equatorial migration and habitat use by sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus from the South Atlantic during the nonbreeding season. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 449, 277-290. (Yes)
155. Rodríguez, A., Rodríguez, B., Montelongo, T., Garcia‐Porta, J., Pipa, T., Carty, M., Danielsen, J., Nunes, J., Silva, C. & Geraldes, P. 2020. Cryptic differentiation in the Manx Shearwater hinders the identification of a new endemic subspecies. Journal of Avian Biology, 51, e02633. (Yes)
156. Brooke, M.d.L. 1978. Weights and measurements of the Manx Shearwater, Puffinus puffinus. Journal of Zoology, 186, 359-374. (No)
157. Harris, M. 1966. Breeding biology of the Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus. Ibis, 108, 17-33. (No)
158. Gillies, N., Fayet, A.L., Padget, O., Syposz, M., Wynn, J., Bond, S., Evry, J., Kirk, H., Shoji, A., Dean, B., Freeman, R. & Guilford, T. 2020. Short-term behavioural impact contrasts with long-term fitness consequences of biologging in a long-lived seabird. Scientific Reports, 10, 15056. (Yes)
159. Dunning Jr, J.B. 2007. CRC Handbook of Avian Body Masses, New York, CRC Press. (Yes)
160. Furness, R. & Baillie, S. 1981. Factors affecting capture rate and biometrics of storm petrels on St Kilda. Ringing & Migration, 3, 137-148. (Yes)
161. Waters, E. 1964. Arrival times and measurements of small petrels on St Kilda. British Birds, 57, 309-315. (Yes)
162. Evans, P. 1977. Results of ringing seabirds on the Kerry Islands. Irish Birds, 1, 46-56. (No)
163. Castro, G.D., Delgado, J.D., González, J. & Wink, M. 2013. Sexual size dimorphism in the extreme SW breeding population of the European Storm Petrel Hydrobates pelagicus (Aves: Procellariformes). Vertebrate Zoology, 63, 313-320. (Yes)
164. Wojczulanis-Jakubas, K., Jakubas, D. & Kośmicka, A. 2016. Body mass and physiological variables of incubating males and females in the European Storm Petrel (Hydrobates p. pelagicus). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 128, 487-493. (No)
165. Jakubas, D., Jakubas, K.W. & Jensen, J.-K. 2014. Body size variation of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus in relation to environmental variables. Acta Ornithologica, 49, 71-82. (No)
166. Medeiros, R.J., King, R.A., Symondson, W.O., Cadiou, B., Zonfrillo, B., Bolton, M., Morton, R., Howell, S., Clinton, A. & Felgueiras, M. 2012. Molecular evidence for gender differences in the migratory behaviour of a small seabird. PLoS One, 7, e46330. (Yes)
167. Love, J.A. 1978. Leach's and Storm Petrels on North Rona: 1971–1974. Ringing & Migration, 2, 15-19. (Yes)
168. Niizuma, Y., Takahashi, A., Tokita, N. & Hayama, S.-i. 2000. A body condition index based on body mass and external measurements of live Leach's Storm-petrels. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 49, 131-137. (Yes)
169. Warham, J., Wilson, G. & Keeley, B. 1982. The annual cycle of the sooty shearwater Puffinus griseus at the Snares Islands, New Zealand. Notornis, 29, 269-292. (Yes)
170. Richdale, L.E. 1963. Biology of the Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 141, 1-117. (No)
171. Hamer, K.C., Lynnes, A.S. & Hill, J.K. 1999. Parent-offspring interactions in food provisioning of Manx shearwaters: implications for nestling obesity. Animal Behaviour, 57, 627-631. (No)
172. Riou, S. & Hamer, K.C. 2008. Predation risk and reproductive effort: impacts of moonlight on food provisioning and chick growth in Manx shearwaters. Animal Behaviour, 76, 1743-1748. (No)
173. Brooke, M.d.L. 1986. Manx Shearwater chicks: seasonal, parental, and genetic influences on the chick's age and weight at fledging. The Condor, 88, 324-327. (Yes)
174. Hamer, K.C., Lynnes, A.S. & Hill, J.K. 1998. Regulation of chick provisioning rate in Manx Shearwaters: experimental evidence and implications for nestling obesity. Functional Ecology, 12, 625-630. (Yes)
175. Gray, C.M., Brooke, M.D.L. & Hamer, K.C. 2005. Repeatability of chick growth and food provisioning in Manx shearwaters Puffinus puffinus. Journal of Avian Biology, 36, 374-379. (Yes)
176. Bech, C., Brent, R., Pedersen, P.F., Rasmussen, J.G. & Johansen, K. 1982. Temperature regulation in chicks of the Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus. Ornis Scandinavica, 13, 206-210. (No)
177. Watson, H., Monaghan, P., Heidinger, B.J. & Bolton, M. 2021. Effects of human disturbance on postnatal growth and baseline corticosterone in a long-lived bird. Conservation Physiology, 9, coab052. (Yes)
178. Bolton, M. 1995. Food delivery to nestling storm petrels: limitation or regulation? Functional Ecology, 9, 161-170. (No)
179. Bolton, M. 1995. Experimental evidence for regulation of food delivery to storm petrel, Hydrobates pelagicus, nestlings: the role of chick body condition. Animal Behaviour, 50, 231-236. (No)
180. Davis, P. 1957. The Breeding of the Storm Petrel (Part II). British Birds, 50, 371-387. (Yes)
181. Mauck, R. & Ricklefs, R. 2005. Control of fledging age in Leach's Storm-Petrel, Oceanodroma leucorhoa: chick development and prefledging mass loss. Functional Ecology, 19, 73-80. (Yes)
182. Takahashi, A., Niizuma, Y. & Watanuki, Y. 1999. Regulation of food provisioning and parental body condition in Leach's storm-petrels, Oceanodroma leucorhoa: experimental manipulation of offspring food demand. Ecological Research, 14, 155-164. (Yes)
183. Ricklefs, R.E., White, S.C. & Cullen, J. 1980. Energetics of postnatal growth in Leach's Storm-Petrel. The Auk, 97, 566-575. (Yes)
184. Ricklefs, R.E., Place, A.R. & Anderson, D.J. 1987. An experimental investigation of the influence of diet quality on growth in Leach's storm-petrel. The American Naturalist, 130, 300-305. (No)
185. Phillips, R. & Hamer, K. 1999. Lipid reserves, fasting capability and the evolution of nestling obesity in procellariiform seabirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences, 266, 1329-1334. (Yes)
186. Hamer, K. & Thompson, D. 1997. Provisioning and growth rates of nestling Fulmars Fulmarus glacialis: stochastic variation or regulation? Ibis, 139, 31-39. (No)
187. Gray, C.M., Phillips, R.A. & Hamer, K.C. 2003. Non-random nestling mortality in northern fulmars: implications for monitoring marine environments. Journal of Zoology, 259, 109-113. (No)
188. Wilbur, H.M. 1969. The breeding biology of Leach's Petrel, Oceanodroma leucorhoa. The Auk, 86, 433-442. (Yes)
189. Fisher, J. 1952. The Fulmar, London, Collins. (No)
190. Bryant, D. & Furness, R. 1995. Basal metabolic rates of North Atlantic seabirds. Ibis, 137, 219-226. (No)
191. Grandgeorge, M., Wanless, S., Dunn, T.E., Maumy, M., Beaugrand, G. & Grémillet, D. 2008. Resilience of the British and Irish seabird community in the twentieth century. Aquatic Biology, 4, 187-199. (Yes)
192. Bolton, M. 1995. Energy Costs of Reproduction in Storm Petrels. Final Report to NERC on Post-doctoral Research Fellowship Award GT5/F/91/TLS/3. Glasgow, UK: Glasgow University. (No)
193. Bolton, M. Incubation energetics of British Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus. The Ornithological Notebook of the XXI International Ornithological Congress, 1994. (No)
194. Croxall, J.P. & Briggs, D.R. 1991. Foraging economics and performance of polar and subpolar Atlantic seabirds. Polar Research, 10, 561-578. (Yes)
195. Hunt Jr, G.L., Drew, G.S., Jahncke, J. & Piatt, J.F. 2005. Prey consumption and energy transfer by marine birds in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 52, 781-797. (Yes)
196. Blackmer, A.L., Mauck, R.A., Ackerman, J.T., Huntington, C.E., Nevitt, G.A. & Williams, J.B. 2005. Exploring individual quality: basal metabolic rate and reproductive performance in storm-petrels. Behavioral Ecology, 16, 906-913. (Yes)
197. Niizuma, Y. & Watanuki, Y. 1997. Effects of circadian rhythm and breeding stage on resting metabolic rates in fasting Leach's Storm-petrels. Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, 29, 83-90. (Yes)
198. Niizuma, Y., Takahashi, A. & Watanuki, Y. 1999. Energy Expenditure of Incubating Leach's Storm-petrels in Artificial Nestboxes in the Wild. Japanese Journal of Ornithology, 47, 49-53. (Yes)
199. Ochoa-Acuña, H. & Montevecchi, W.A. 2002. Basal metabolic rate of adult Leach's storm-petrels during incubation. Waterbirds, 25, 249-252. (No)
200. Birt-Friesen, V., Montevecchi, W., Cairns, D. & Macko, S. 1989. Activity‐specific metabolic rates of free‐living northern gannets and other seabirds. Ecology, 70, 357-367. (Yes)
201. Montevecchi, W.A., Birt-Friesen, V. & Cairns, D. 1992. Reproductive energetics and prey harvest of Leach's storm‐petrels in the northwest Atlantic. Ecology, 73, 823-832. (Yes)
202. Ricklefs, R.E., Roby, D.D. & Williams, J.B. 1986. Daily energy expenditure by adult Leach's storm-petrels during the nesting cycle. Physiological Zoology, 59, 649-660. (No)
203. Koteja, P. 1991. On the relation between basal and field metabolic rates in birds and mammals. Functional Ecology, 5, 56-64. (No)
204. Butler, R., Peakall, D., Leighton, F., Borthwick, J. & Harmon, R. 1986. Effects of crude oil exposure on standard metabolic rate of Leach's Storm-Petrel. The Condor, 88, 248-249. (Yes)
205. Wiens, J.A. & Scott, J.M. 1975. Model estimation of energy flow in Oregon coastal seabird populations. The Condor, 77, 439-452. (Yes)
206. Furness, R.W. & Bryant, D.M. 1996. Effect of wind on field metabolic rates of breeding northern fulmars. Ecology, 77, 1181-1188. (No)
207. Hamer, K., Thompson, D. & Gray, C. 1997. Spatial variation in the feeding ecology, foraging ranges, and breeding energetics of northern fulmars in the north-east Atlantic Ocean. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54, 645-653. (Yes)
208. Masden, E.A., Haydon, D.T., Fox, A.D. & Furness, R.W. 2010. Barriers to movement: modelling energetic costs of avoiding marine wind farms amongst breeding seabirds. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 1085-1091. (Yes)
209. Mallory, M., Forbes, M., Ankney, C. & Alisauskas, R. 2008. Nutrient dynamics and constraints on the pre-laying exodus of High Arctic northern fulmars. Aquatic Biology, 4, 211-223. (Yes)
210. Mallory, M.L. & Forbes, M.R. 2008. Costly pre-laying behaviours and physiological expenditures by northern fulmars in the High Arctic. Écoscience, 545-554. (No)
211. Mallory, M.L. & Forbes, M.R. 2013. Behavioural and energetic constraints of reproduction: Distinguishing breeding from non-breeding northern fulmars at their colony. Ecoscience, 20, 48-54.
212. Krasnow, L.D. 1978. The feeding energetics of the Sooty Shearwater, Puffinus griseus, in Monterey Bay. MSc Thesis. California State University, Sacramento. (Yes)
213. Flood, R.L., Fisher, A., Cleave, A. & Sterry, P. 2009. European Storm-petrels diving for food. British Birds, 102, 352-353. (Yes)
214. Albores‐Barajas, Y., Riccato, F., Fiorin, R., Massa, B., Torricelli, P. & Soldatini, C. 2011. Diet and diving behaviour of European Storm Petrels Hydrobates pelagicus in the Mediterranean (ssp. melitensis). Bird Study, 58, 208-212. (Yes)
215. Garthe, S. & Furness, R.W. 2001. Frequent shallow diving by a Northern Fulmar feeding at Shetland. Waterbirds, 287-289. (Yes)
216. Weimerskirch, H. & Sagar, P.M. 1996. Diving depths of sooty shearwaters Puffinus griseus. Ibis, 138, 786-788. (Yes)
217. Canning, S., Lye, G., Givens, L. & Pendlebury, C. 2013. Analysis of Marine Ecology Monitoring Plan Data from the Robin Rigg Offshore Wind Farm, Scotland (Operational Year 2). Natural Power Consultants, Dalry. (Yes)
218. Dierschke, V., Furness, R.W. & Garthe, S. 2016. Seabirds and offshore wind farms in European waters: Avoidance and attraction. Biological Conservation, 202, 59-68. (Yes)
219. Neumann, R., Braasch, A. & Todeskino, D. One man's joy is a seabirds sorrow. Northern Fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) at an offshore-wind farm construction site in the North Sea. 37th Annual Meeting of the Waterbird Society, 2013. (Yes)
220. Braasch, A., Michalik, A. & Todeskino, D. Assessing impacts of offshore wind farms on two highly pelagic seabird species. Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife Impacts, 10-12 March 2015 2015 Berlin. (Yes)
221. Benjamins, S., Masden, E. & Collu, M. 2020. Integrating wind turbines and fish farms: an evaluation of potential risks to marine and coastal bird species. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8, 414. (Yes)
222. Miles, W., Money, S., Luxmoore, R. & Furness, R.W. 2010. Effects of artificial lights and moonlight on petrels at St Kilda. Bird Study, 57, 244-251. (Yes)
223. Baird, P.H. 1990. Concentrations of seabirds at oil-drilling rigs. Condor, 92, 768-771. (Yes)
224. Burke, C., Montevecchi, W. & Wiese, F. 2012. Inadequate environmental monitoring around offshore oil and gas platforms on the Grand Bank of Eastern Canada: Are risks to marine birds known? Journal of Environmental Management, 104, 121-126. (Yes)
225. Wiese, F.K., Montevecchi, W., Davoren, G., Huettmann, F., Diamond, A. & Linke, J. 2001. Seabirds at risk around offshore oil platforms in the North-west Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42, 1285-1290. (Yes)
226. Aguado-Giménez, F., Sallent-Sánchez, A., Eguía-Martínez, S., Martínez-Ródenas, J., Hernández-Llorente, M., Palanca-Maresca, C., Molina-Pardo, J., López-Pastor, B., García-Castellanos, F. & Ballester-Moltó, M. 2016. Aggregation of European storm-petrel (Hydrobates pelagicus ssp. melitensis) around cage fish farms. Do they benefit from the farms' resources? Marine Environmental Research, 122, 46-58. (No)
227. Camphuysen, C.J., Calvo, B., Durinck, J., Ensor, K., Follestad, A., Furness, R.W., Garthe, S., Leaper, G., Skov, H., Tasker, M.L. & Winter, C.J.N. 1995. Consumption of discards by seabirds in the North Sea. Final report EC DG XIV research contract BIOECO/93/10. NIOZ Rapport 1995 - 5. Texel: Netherlands Institute for Sea Research. (Yes)
228. Syposz, M., Gonçalves, F., Carty, M., Hoppitt, W. & Manco, F. 2018. Factors influencing Manx Shearwater grounding on the west coast of Scotland. Ibis, 160, 846-854. (Yes)
229. Guilford, T., Padget, O., Bond, S. & Syposz, M. 2019. Light pollution causes object collisions during local nocturnal manoeuvring flight by adult Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus. Seabird, 31, 48-55. (Yes)
230. Syposz, M. 2020. The effect of light pollution on orientation in Manx shearwaters (Puffinus puffinus). PhD Thesis, University of Oxford. (Yes)
231. Syposz, M., Padget, O., Willis, J., Van Doren, B.M., Gillies, N., Fayet, A.L., Wood, M.J., Alejo, A. & Guilford, T. 2021. Avoidance of different durations, colours and intensities of artificial light by adult seabirds. Scientific reports, 11, 1-13. (Yes)
232. Archer, M., Jones, P.H. & Stansfield, S.D. 2015. Departure of Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus fledglings from Bardsey, Gwynedd, Wales, 1998 to 2013. Seabird, 28, 43-47. (Yes)
233. Atchoi, E., Rodríguez, A., Pipa, T., Silva, C., Martín, A., Acosta, Y., Gouveia, C., Carreira, G., Garcia, S. & Menezes, D. 2021. LuMinAves: cooperative research and mitigation of light pollution impacts in seabirds. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting, 23, 33-41.
234. Gjerdrum, C., Ronconi, R.A., Turner, K.L. & Hamer, T.E. 2021. Bird strandings and bright lights at coastal and offshore industrial sites in Atlantic Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 16, 22. (Yes)
235. Rodríguez, A. & Rodríguez, B. 2009. Attraction of petrels to artificial lights in the Canary Islands: effects of the moon phase and age class. Ibis, 151, 299-310. (Yes)
236. Sage, B. 1979. Flare up over North Sea birds. New Scientist, 81, 464–466. (Yes)
237. Bourne, W.R. 1979. Birds and gas flares. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 10, 124-125. (No)
238. Crymble, J., Mula-Laguna, J., Austad, M., Borg, J.J., Sultana, J., Barbara, N., Tribe, A., Lago, P. & Metzger, B. 2020. Identifying light-induced grounding hotspots for Maltese seabirds. Il-Merill, 34, 23-43. (Yes)
239. Wiese, F.K., Montevecchi, W.A., Davoren, G.K., Huettmann, F., Diamond, A.W. & Linke, J. 2001. Seabirds at Risk around Offshore Oil Platforms in the North-west Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42, 1285-1290. (Yes)
240. Baillie, S.M., Robertson, G.J., Wiese, F.K. & Williams, U.P. 2005. Seabird data collected by the Grand Banks offshore hydrocarbon industry, 1999-2002: results, limitations and suggestions for improvement. Canadian Wildlife Service Technical Report Series No. 434. Atlantic Region. (Yes)
241. Montevecchi, W.A. 2006. Influences of Artificial Light on Marine Birds. In: Rich, C. & Longcore, T. (eds.) Ecological Consequences of Artificial Night Lighting. Island Press. (Yes)
242. Wynn, R.B. 2005. Notes on seabirds 80. Leach's Storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa landing on a research vessel at night. Atlantic Seabirds, 7, 41-42. (Yes)
243. Wakefield, E.D. 2018. RRS Discovery Cruise DY080, 06 June - 02 July 2017, Southampton to St Johns, Distribution and Ecology of Seabirds in the Sub-Polar Frontal Zone of the Northwest Atlantic. Glasgow, UK: Institute of Biodiversity Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow. (Yes)
244. Krüger, T. & Dierschke, J. 2006. Das Vorkommen des Wellenläufers Oceanodroma leucorhoa in Deutschland. Vogelwelt, 127, 145-162. (Yes)
245. Wilhelm, S.I., Dooley, S.M., Corbett, E.P., Fitzsimmons, M.G., Ryan, P.C. & Robertson, G.J. 2021. Effects of land-based light pollution on two species of burrow-nesting seabirds in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 16, 12. (Yes)
246. Silva, R., Medrano, F., Tejeda, I., Terán, D., Peredo, R., Barros, R., Colodro, V., González, P., González, V. & Guerra-Correa, C. 2020. Evaluación del impacto de la contaminación lumínica sobre las aves marinas en Chile: Diagnóstico y propuestas. Ornitología Neotropical, 31, 13-24. (Yes)
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