
Small landholdings in Scotland: legislation review

Review of the legislation governing small landholdings in Scotland and supporting consultation analysis.

Ministerial Foreword

FERGUS EWING Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity

Small landholdings are a part of our Scottish agricultural heritage and we, the Scottish Ministers, are strongly aware of their unique status in rural Scotland. In the same way as Scottish agriculture has modernised and changed over the 20 th Century, it is natural that numbers of small landholdings have dropped as their purpose and ownership has changed.

Small landholdings form part of the mosaic of land tenure in Scotland. In a rural Scotland that looks towards the future, instead of focusing on the past, this diversity supports the delivery of a dynamic and prosperous rural economy. Along with crofting and tenant farming, small landholdings provide benefits to Scotland's people, by helping to sustain rural communities and supporting better connections to the land and the food we produce.

This Review would not have been as comprehensive as it is, without the significant level of support from individual small landholders and landlords. While the total population of small landholders is low, their level of contribution has been high. Their passion and commitment to their rural communities is evident from the level of engagement and interaction with my officials and during the consultation period. Their voices have been strong and it is important that any alteration to their future status takes proper account of their views and direct impact upon their communities. I would like to thank everyone who took the time to meet and engage with this Review and I hope it reflects the position of small landholdings within Scotland.

Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy and Connectivity


Email: Claudine Duff

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