
Review of corporate information management

Review of the Scottish Government's corporate processes for the storage, retrieval and deployment of corporate information to ensure they are fit-for-purpose.

Annex A - summary conclusions

Summary conclusions from strategic assessments of information management within the UK and Scottish Governments



           Key Findings/Recommendations

December 2015

UK Cabinet Office

Review of Government Digital Records  


  • Policies and guidance on capturing and managing digital information are sound; the problems come

in the implementation;

  • Existing systems which require individual users to identify documents that should constitute official records, and then to save them into an EDRMS (Electronic Document and Record Management Systems); or corporate file plan, have not worked well. As a result, almost all departments have a mass of digital data stored on shared drives that is poorly organised and indexed
  • Two main issues: what are the best technologies going forward to ensure that digital information is properly managed in future; and what technologies can help to organise and search existing legacy digital data stored outside EDRMSs
  • There will be a need to ensure the appropriate culture is embedded in departments and that changes are backed up by a high level push to make sure new procedures are followed in practice

January 2017

UK Cabinet Office

Better Information for Better Government


  • Government information management has yet to meet the digital challenge. Most departments hold significant amounts of unstructured legacy digital information and few have a full understanding of the legislative, reputational and operational risks this poses and the wasted efficiency opportunity
  • Our aim should be simply that government departments get better at managing their legacy collections and improve current information management by drawing on all the levers at their disposal and should:
    • Evaluate the level of risk they face from legacy digital information collections and take appropriate action
    • Undertake renewed efforts to drive information management compliance across their business
    • Identify and progress strategic initiatives to improve government information management structures and processes cross-government

July 2017

Scottish Government

eRDM Improvement Programme - Full Business Case


Strategic Case approved by the Executive Team identified the need to 

  • Significantly raise and enhance the profile and business priority of documents and records management across the Scottish Government
  • Improve the understanding and application of key business processes, best practice and compliance
  • Increase the wider adoption and use of the corporate eRDM solution
  • Create visible business leadership, ownership, corporate priority and strategic direction in information management and for all levels of senior management to visibly, continually and unequivocally assign appropriate corporate priority and significant time and resources to creating a successful organisation wide environment to deliver improvement.

May 2019

Scottish Government

Corporate eDiscovery Project -  Outline Business Case

The legacy information environment (outside of eRDM)

  • Is not properly managed, unaudited, not corporate and in its current state cannot be quickly, easily or reliably searched or reused by the business corporately.
  • Adversely affects capability, performance and compliance.
  • Represents a corporate level information security risk in itself through its sheer volume and lack of structure, audit  and proper governance
  • Is inherently inefficient and carries unnecessary cost
  • Constrains the Scottish Government’s current and future digital and business strategies.







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