
Review of corporate information management

Review of the Scottish Government's corporate processes for the storage, retrieval and deployment of corporate information to ensure they are fit-for-purpose.

Exploiting workflow and business process automation

Workflow is a significant enabler in unlocking information management benefits not just through the release of efficiencies but improving information governance by reducing error and risk.  The SG has invested in a corporate workflow engine as part of the eRDM Improvement Programme. This has already delivered benefits though automating some records management processes and touchpoints between the corporate records management team, IMSOs and end users.

Currently the delivery of workflows is a part time function and responsibility of a very small team in the KIM Branch with call off support from the software supplier. Increasing capacity and capability in workflow development would deliver efficiency and effectiveness benefits and provide further return on investment. The resourcing of this function should be reviewed in conjunction with that of the eDiscovery and Education and Engagement teams.




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