
Review of corporate information management

Review of the Scottish Government's corporate processes for the storage, retrieval and deployment of corporate information to ensure they are fit-for-purpose.

Key recommendations

Key Recommendation 1

Take measures to recognise and enhance the value of information to the organisation and improve the culture around information management. This should include significantly raising the corporate priority and profile of information and records management, so that their value and importance visibly links to and supports strategic goals.

Key Recommendation 2

Develop a corporate, whole-of-government Information Management Strategy that sets the strategic direction for the SG’s digital information policies, practices and processes.

Key Recommendation 3

Implement a corporate information governance model which creates a cohesive and collaborative approach across all information disciplines to drive best practice and compliance and ensure information management practices meet legal obligations, accountability requirements, business needs and stakeholders’ expectations.

Key Recommendation 4

Develop and deliver a corporate improvement programme aimed at addressing key information management risks and gaps in the short to medium term whilst building a sustainable and responsive business model for best practice digital information management in the future.

Key Recommendation 5

Create and implement a performance management framework which provides an  integrated approach to helping the SG achieve best practice by monitoring and improving information management performance at all levels including individuals, teams, Branches, Divisions, Directorates, DG areas and the organisation as a whole.

Key Recommendation 6

Take measures to significantly manage down the availability and use unstructured information repositories, such as the Network Drives and Outlook Public Folders and develop clear criteria, guidance and policy for the management of information outside of the corporate eRDM system.

Key Recommendation 7

Reduce risk to the future business of the organisation by taking forward lessons learned into the implementation of the next generation of digital information systems, including Microsoft 365 applications and ensuring best practice information management is embedded in their configuration and use.

Key Recommendation 8

Review the resourcing of information management in the organisation. This should include resources within local, directorate and corporate functions as well as resourcing the delivery of the recommendations from this review.




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