Review of Justice Social Work Statistics in Scotland – survey of users 2023

The results from the survey of users of justice social work statistics in Scotland in spring/summer 2023.

Annex A: survey questions

List of survey questions. Please note, some have been slightly altered to help with readability. Tables and charts to (the non-free text) responses can be found in the associated spreadsheet.

Section One - General Information

  1. Are you responding as an individual or on behalf of an organisation?
  2. Please write the name of the group or organisation(s) represented.
  3. Which sector are you responding on behalf of?
  4. Can we use your exact text response (anonymously) in the written report?

Section Two: Overview of the Justice Social Work statistics

  1. Do you currently use the Justice Social Work Statistics?
  2. In general, how often do you currently refer to the information/tables on the Justice Social Work Statistics?
  3. How do you currently use the information from the Justice Social Work Statistics in your work and how useful is it?
  4. If other, please specify use (in relation to Q.7).
  5. What are the three main topics in Justice Social work statistics you are most likely to use?
  6. Do you share the publication or data from the publication with others?
  7. If other, please specify use (in relation to Q10).
  8. With regards to the Justice Social Work statistics in the last year, did you read the commentary and/or tables?
  9. Have you found the commentary in the publications in this series clear and concise?
  10. Please can you provide comments on which aspects of the commentary you would like to see improved.
  11. With regards to the accompanying tables for justice social work statistics in the last year, what tables did you use?
  12. Please can you provide comments on any aspects of the tables that you would like to see improved?
  13. Are you aware that some justice social work datasets are available on open data on the website
  14. Do you use any of the following (listed) data from
  15. Is there any information not currently published that you would like to see included in future tables, either as part of the Justice Social Work Statistics or on
  16. What would you like included and how would you use this new information?
  17. Do you have any other comments on Justice Social Work statistics that have not been covered in this survey?

Do you currently receive email notification that the Justice Social Work statistics have been published?

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