
Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions - regional strategic bodies review: consultation analysis

Outlines the findings from an analysis of responses to a public consultation on the review of the regional strategic bodies within the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions.

Overview of respondents

A total of 24 written responses were received and of these 7 were from individuals; and 17 were from organisations.

18 of the responses were submitted to the consultation on Citizen Space, which is the Scottish Government’s consultation website. 6 of the responses were received by email and were sent directly to the lead policy official. No responses were received by post.

Of the 24 responses received,19 have been published on the Scottish Government website. Most respondents were happy to have their views published, however 5 responses from individuals have been published anonymously as requested. All responses have been included in this analysis. The published responses can be accessed here:

Review of the Regional Strategic Bodies within the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions - Scottish Government consultations - Citizen Space

A list of the organisations who consented to their responses being published can be found at Annex A.



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