
Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions - Regional Strategic Bodies review: consultation

We are consulting on a proposal to review and reform the role of Regional Strategic Bodies within the Glasgow and Lanarkshire college regions.

8. Terminology Explainer Guide


Single College Region


Where there is one college for the region. These colleges are “regional colleges” under the 2005 Act.

The constitution of their boards of management is set out in the 1992 Act.

Sector/Organisation/ Specific Information/Further Reading

Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005 (the 2005 Act)

Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 (the 1992 Act)

Associated Term

Regional college


Multi-College Region


This is where more than one college exists within the region. Colleges in these regions will be “assigned” to a regional strategic body by order (a piece of subordinate legislation).

Regional and assigned colleges are all colleges which were incorporated under the 1992 Act, referred to as “incorporated colleges”. Their constitution of their boards of management is set out in the 1992 Act.

Sector/Organisation/ Specific Information/Further Reading

The 2005 Act

The 1992 Act

The Assigned Colleges (Scotland) Order 2014

The Lanarkshire Colleges Order 2014

Associated Term

Assigned colleges,

Incorporated colleges


Regional Strategic Body


Regional strategic bodies have colleges assigned to them by subordinate legislation. They have obligations and functions set out in the 2005 Act. There is a category of RSB which is a “regional board” which has its board constitution and governance arrangements set out in the 2005 Act.

Sector/Organisation/ Specific Information/Further Reading

The 2005 Act

Associated Term

Regional Board


Regional Board


This is a regional strategic body of a type that has its constitution set out in the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005.

Sector/Organisation/ Specific Information/Further Reading

Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 2005 & Post-16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013

Associated Term

Regional Strategic Body



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