
Honey bee health strategy: review

Scottish Government in conjunction with the Bee Health Improvement Partnership (BHIP), have completed a review of the first 10 year strategy. This will allow us to understand the progress made since 2010 and how to support the sector in future years.

The future – the next 10 years:

The next 10-year plan must build on the lessons learned from the first Strategy (which contributed to the Strategic Objectives at that time: ‘Wealthier & Fairer’ and ‘Greener’) and contribute to the Scottish Government’s overarching National Performance Framework and its National Outcomes, particularly:

  • Environment - We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment
  • Fair Work and Business - We have thriving and innovative businesses, with quality jobs and fair work for everyone
  • Health - We are healthy and active

Given the evidence detailed in the above summary, it is clear that the main outcomes of the 1st Strategy are just as relevant today as they have ever been.

Initial work has commenced on the production of the new Strategy and we plan to consult with the Scottish beekeeping community with the aim of providing an understanding of what the important issues are which will enable us to determine the direction of the new Strategy over the next 10 years.

This of course cannot be done in isolation and will rely on all Scotland’s beekeepers and other interested parties being aware of their own responsibilities to help ensure that the underlying principle that prevention is better than cure continues.

Moving forward, using the original 4 pillars as a guide and having the continued co-operation of the Bee Health Improvement Programme, work can continue in order to promote a sustainable and healthy population of honey bees in Scotland.

We see the 2nd Strategy as continuing to be a living document, being a useful tool in guiding our direction over the next 10 years. Further information will be published on the Scottish Government website in due course and we look forward to progressing this work together.

SG: Honey Bee Health Team

September 2021



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