
Review of Scottish public sector procurement in construction

Report of the independent review of procurement in construction carried out by Robin Crawford and Ken Lewandowski.

12. Implementation plan

12.1.1 In the implementation of our recommendations, a guiding principle should be to seek to reduce costs by removing unnecessary procedures and simplifying the procurement process.

12.1.2 In appendix 4 we set out a summary of our recommendations, an implementation plan and timescales. We hope that the detail given in the report and the consensus which we believe we have achieved in the wide consultation which has preceded it will allow a rapid deployment of the necessary resources for its implementation.

12.1.3 We have suggested some timescales in which we believe that these recommendations can be implemented. This is, however, very much dependent on the allocation of sufficient resources to make this happen.

12.1.4 The report does not allocate lead responsibilities for implementing each of our recommendations. This is one of the first tasks which the strengthened construction procurement policy function needs to undertake in collaboration with others.

12.1.5 We understand that much of the success of the procurement reform programme to date has arisen from its collaborative approach, rather than through compulsion. This is a good basis on which to build, and accordingly, most of our recommendations are framed in this manner.

12.1.6 Previous reports looking at the construction industry, however, have sometimes failed to achieve their goals through a lack of teeth, and if it becomes apparent that it is not possible to achieve the changes necessary through collaboration, then the Scottish Government should be willing to consider compelling the implementation of these measures.


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