
Review of Scottish public sector procurement in construction

Report of the independent review of procurement in construction carried out by Robin Crawford and Ken Lewandowski.


1. Building for the Future, The Scottish Construction Industry's Strategy 2013-2016, Construction Scotland

2. Government Construction Strategy, Cabinet Office, May 2011

3. John McClelland also reported on ICT infrastructure in the public sector in Scotland in 2011, but references in this report to the McClelland report are to his 2006 report

4. Spending recorded under the Proclass level one classification 'construction'

5. Affordable Housing Supply Programme Out-turn Report 2011-12, Scottish Government

6. Does not include revenue-financed capital spending. Figures taken from the Procurement Information Hub, except for Scottish Water (figure is the total capital investment reported in its 2011-12 annual report) and housing (figure is the total level of Affordable Housing Supply Programme grant funding for projects other than council house building, which spending we have assumed to be captured under the local authority data)

7. The Green Book: appraisal and evaluation in central government

8. Any transport project which needs Scottish Government approval or funding is appraised using the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance ( STAG)

9. Management of the Scottish Government's capital investment programme, Audit Scotland, January 2011

10. Rethinking Construction: The Report of the Construction Task Force, 1998

11. Pipeline of Revenue Funded Projects, NPD and hub, April 2013

12. We intend 'major' projects to be those which are defined as such by the Procurement Reform Bill when, as expected, it becomes law. We understand that current proposals are that this will mean all projects worth more than £4 million.

13. Audit Scotland " Review of Major Capital Projects in Scotland" June 2008

14. Audit Scotland "Major capital investment in councils" March 2013

15. Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland, Scottish Government, 2013

16. Review of major capital projects in Scotland; How government works, Audit Scotland, 2008

17. Management of the Scottish Government's capital investment programme, Audit Scotland 2011

18. Major capital investment in councils, Audit Scotland, 2013

19. Guide to the appointment of consultants and contractors, Property Advisers to the Civil Estate, 1998

20. Quality and Efficiency, value for money lessons and performance measures from the primary care reference design project, Architecture and Design Scotland and Scottish Futures Trust, 2013

21. In the Royal Institute of British Architects' Plan of Work, 'stage C' is the concept stage of design

22. Review of major capital projects in Scotland, How government works, Audit Scotland, 2008

23. Guide to the appointment of consultants and contractors, Property Advisers to the Civil Estate, 1998

24. Costing the Future: Securing value for money through sustainable procurement - The final report of the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum's inquiry into sustainability in public procurement, 2008

25. The Government's Soft Landings Policy, Cabinet Office, September 2012

26. Government Construction Strategy "Final Report to Government by the Procurement / Lean Client Task Group", appendix G, 2012

27. Using our Buying Power to Benefit Scotland - the case for change, section 8, Cuthbert and Cuthbert, The Jimmy Reid Foundation, 2012

28. Final report to government by the Procurement/Lean Client Task Group, July 2012

29. In 2011-12, the Scottish Government, its Executive Agencies and the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service made 94.4 per cent of all payments within ten days: The Scottish Government Consolidated Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012

30. Trade credit in the UK Construction Industry: An empirical analysis of construction contractor financial positioning and performance, page 73, UCL, July 2013

31. The Scottish Construction Procurement Manual, section 2, Scottish Government

32. The objective of the PCA is to assist organisations to improve their structure, capability, processes and ultimately performance, by attaining a level of performance that is appropriate to the scale and complexity of their business. PCAs assess capability in key areas against common criteria and standards which allows public bodies, locally, at sector level and nationally, to identify where best practice already exists, where there are gaps and where continuous improvements and efficiencies can be implemented.

33. Scottish Procurement Policy Note 2/2012, 31 May 2012

34. A joint statement between public sector buying organisations and Scottish businesses to agree to work together to improve public sector procurement processes and dialogue

35. PAS 91:2013 is a free Publicly Available Specification ( PAS) providing a set of questions to be asked by buyers of potential suppliers to enable pre-qualification for construction projects. Its development was sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and was with the objective of streamlining and reducing the cost of pre-qualification in construction procurement processes.

36. The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2012, (21)

37. The thresholds above which the regulations apply are set for a period of two years, and are based on thresholds set by the European Commission. For works contracts, the threshold is currently £4,348,350. For supplies and services, the threshold is £113,057 for contracts awarded by central government, and £173,934 for contracts awarded by other parts of the public sector.

38. Major Contracts Survey, Scottish Building Federation, July 2013

39. The Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan, The Scottish Government, 2009

40. The Marrakech Task Force was launched in 2003 in response to the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation

41. Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland, Scottish Government, 2013 highlighted the importance of place building (considering it to comprise: "the environment in which we live; the people that inhabit these spaces; and the quality of life that comes from the interaction of people and their surroundings), as outlined in Designing Places: A policy statement for Scotland, Scottish Government, 2010

42. Total Place: A whole area approach to public services, 4.32, HM Treasury and Department for Communities and Local Government, 2010

43. Community Benefits in Public Procurement - A Report Demonstrating the Methodology for Including Targeted Recruitment and Training Clauses in Public Sector Contracts by Richard MacFarlane and Mark Cook, Anthony Collins Solicitors, 2008

44. Shared Apprenticeships for Home Building: A Scoping Study, Alan McGregor and Victoria Sutherland, University of Glasgow Training and Employment Research Unit, March 2013

45. Scotland's Sustainable Housing Strategy, The Scottish Government, 2013

46. A low carbon building standards strategy for Scotland, 2007

47. BREEAM is the Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method and rating system for buildings

48. ECOHomes is the domestic version of BREEAM.

49. SAP is the methodology used by the Department of Energy & Climate Change to assess and compare the energy and environmental performance of dwellings.

50. Creating Places: a policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland, The Scottish Government, June 2013

51. Waste Data Digest 12: Key facts and trends, 2012, Scottish Environment Protection Agency

52. Costing the Future: Securing value for money through sustainable procurement - The final report of the Westminster Sustainable Business Forum's inquiry into sustainability in public procurement, 2008

53. Constructing the Team: Final Report of the Government/Industry Review of Procurement and Contractual Arrangements in the UK Construction Industry, Sir Michael Latham, 1994

54. BIM Task Group website, Frequently Asked Questions

55. Growth through BIM, Richard G Saxon MBE, Construction Industry Council, April 2013

56. Publicly available specification for information management for the capital/delivery phase of construction projects using Building Information Modelling

57. COBie is a formal scheme that helps organise information about new and existing facilities

58. Public Procurement Reform - a rapid evidence review, Dr Vivian Leacock, Scottish Government, August 2013

59. Major Capital Investment in Councils, Audit Scotland, March 2013

60. Better Benchmarking for High Performance, Chartered Institute for Public Finance and Accountancy, 2010

61. Housing Supply Guidance Note 2012/06, Affordable Housing Supply Programme, Strategic Local Programmes 2012-2015

62. Major Capital Investment in Councils, Audit Scotland, 2013

63. Management of the Scottish Government's capital investment programme, Audit Scotland, 2011

64. Businesses in Scotland, 2012, Scottish Government, page 39

65. Building for the future: The Scottish construction industry's strategy 2013-2016

66. From the answer to written parliamentary question S4W-15076, 29 May 2013

67. Improving Public Sector Purchasing, part 2, Audit Scotland, July 2009

68. Continuing our journey 2012-2015, Scotland Excel, page 2

69. Business Plan 2013-2014, Scottish Futures Trust



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