Sport in Scotland: report

The purpose of the report is to offer observations and recommendations on the current Scottish sporting landscape with a view to facilitating a more streamlined and coherent voice for Scottish sport.

Appendix 3: Scottish Advisory Board for Sport (SABOS)


To establish a body capable of representing the broad range of views, interests and strategic partners involved in the delivery of Scottish sport.

To facilitate an agreed and enlarged common purpose and voice for Scottish sport that would maximise sports contribution to delivering wider policy objectives. It will for example analyse and advise on linkages in areas related to sport, such as, but not limited to, health, education, poverty, international development and cultural affairs, social inequality, the economy.

To enable Scottish Ministers to have the best possible independent support in formulating and developing policies that can maximise the value that sport can offer Scotland and its place in the world.

To provide comprehensive briefings on the contribution and value of sport across government. This will be assisted through the production of agreed Chair’s statements, position briefing papers and information dissemination.

To promote and enable collaboration, partnership and solutions and innovation in the pursuit of the aforementioned aims.

To identify opportunities and advise the Scottish Government on the contribution sport based policy and initiatives can make to the Active Scotland Outcomes Framework or any subsequent National Plan for Sport.

Heads of Government, Ministers and other relevant ministerial forums may identify issues for consideration by SABOS and could mandate SABOS to carry out specific activities and in such instances, this would be subject to the necessary resources being made available to address the issue for consideration.

Terms of Reference:

  • To advise: Scottish Ministers
  • To report to: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing
  • To act: Independently and as a point of reference for the Minister of Public Health and Sport, The Active Scotland Division
  • Secretariat: Scottish Government through Active Scotland Division
  • Chair: To be appointed
  • Membership: To be agreed following appointment of Chair*
  • Frequency: Quarterly and or Agreed by the Scottish Advisory Board of Sport

The main criteria for the appointment of SABOS members:

  • Expertise in a field or field deemed useful to the achievement of the mandate of SABOS.
  • Experience in policy development, policy analysis, monitoring and evaluation and/or policy implementation.
  • Ability to communicate with influence at senior levels.
  • Endorsement by a key stakeholder agency involved in Scottish sport and to be able to speak on behalf of such an agency.
  • Co-opted experts to add additional expertise to deliberations on an issue by issue or needs basis.



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