
Review of snaring for Scottish Government, prepared by Scottish Natural Heritage

Report from Scottish Natural Heritage on snaring legislation, as per the Wildlife & Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 (WANE).

Executive Summary

The Review of Snaring Group (Review Group) is satisfied that the number of reported incidents of snaring-related offences has reduced.

Feedback from the approved training bodies indicates that the administration procedure is satisfactory.

The Review Group have made proposals that would further refine and codify snaring practices and components, the majority of which can be delivered through the Snaring Code of Practice.

The Review Group have made the following suggestions for changes to legislation that should be considered:

  • Implement a time period for updating snare records and reduce the time allowed for producing records to the police;
  • Increase the stop position on fox snares to enlarge the noose size to 26cm;
  • Increase the number of swivels on fox snares to a minimum of two;
  • Introduce the power of disqualification for a snaring offence;
  • Consider how a strengthened Code of Practice can be better endorsed through legislation.


Email: John Gray

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