
Supported employment: review report - easy read

Easy read version of an independent review of supported employment in Scotland commissioned by Scottish Government.


We found 3 key themes and goals for future supported employment. These were agreed by the project steering group:

1. Reduce differences across different areas of Scotland

2. Make things clearer. Such as data collected and outcomes

3. Have standards to make sure services are good.

We have an opportunity to carry out the recommendations in this report. Supporting these recommendations is an important goal for people with learning disabilities. It places a focus on paid employment. This was important in focus groups and with people with learning disabilities.

The 9 recommendations are:

1. Make a Scottish Supported Employment Guarantee. This would include funding and targets for local areas. It would support co-design of services with people with lived experience.

2. Make services the same by collecting information.

3. Quality standards are developed.

4. A national supported employment programme is developed.

5. Support the development of staff.

6. Employers are encouraged to give more support to disabled people

7. Work with the DWP to allow supported employment services to claim Access to Work.

8. Look at how large public sector organisations such as NHS, Scottish Government and councils, can increase the number of jobs for disabled people.

9. Remove the need for 16+ hours of work for people who use supported employment services



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