
Supported employment: review report and Scottish Government response

A full report including findings and recommendations of an independent review of supported employment in Scotland commissioned by Scottish Government. Initial response from the Scottish Government is included in the supporting documents.

About Social Finance

Social Finance (SF) is an ambitious not-for-profit organisation which seeks to drive social change. We work in partnership with government, funders and the social sector to tackle entrenched social problems in the UK and internationally. We seek transformation that is both sustainable and scalable. Everyone at Social Finance believes that change is possible. Our unique blend of skills and backgrounds enables us to create breakthrough solutions to society's toughest problems.

We develop models, products and services that have the scope to drive systemic change to improve people's lives. In the UK, we focus on issues such as homelessness, domestic abuse, mental health, learning disabilities, loneliness and vulnerable children on the edge of the care system. Internationally, we design outcomes-based models for issues such as maternal and neonatal health, education and employment.

Health and Employment Partnerships (HEP)

Social Finance's Health and Employment Partnerships (HEP) team aims to make a major impact on the employment rates of disabled people and those living with health conditions and transform thousands of lives in the process.

Since 2015, the HEP team has played an important role in growing high-quality models to support people with health issues into paid employment. Working with others, we designed, launched and continue to manage the world's first social investment-backed programme to help people with mental health issues, drug and alcohol addictions and learning disabilities into work; supported a Combined Authority to design, mobilise and manage one of the largest health and work trials globally; and led a consortium of experts to launch a national programme supporting mental health and employment services across England.

We are grateful to everyone who took the time to share their experiences and expertise with us as part of this review.



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