Revising small area statistics geographies – data zones and intermediate zones: consultation

Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are small area geographies used in the production of official statistics in Scotland. They were first introduced in 2004 and revised in 2014. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from users on proposals to update these geographies.

Summary of changes

This section provides a summary of the proposed changes to Data Zones and Intermediate Zones. The proposed Data Zones and Intermediate Zones are available to view at Proposed statistical geographies ( and download at Data Zones and Intermediate Zones consultation - Overview (

Currently there are 6,796 Data Zones and 1,279 Intermediate Zones in Scotland. The proposals covered by this consultation increase the number of Data Zones to 7,385, and the number of Intermediates Zones to 1,328.

There were 51 best-fit Data Zones which had fallen below 375 household residents and were merged with a neighbour. There were 317 best-fit Data Zones which were above 1,125 and were split into one or more Data Zones. There were 10 best-fit Intermediate Zones which had fallen below 2,135 household residents and were reconfigured. There were 51 best-fit Intermediate Zones which were above 6,375 household residents and were reconfigured.

If you require more detail on the changes made to proposed Data Zones and/or Intermediate Zones in your Local authority, please contact us at



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