The Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development: information for communities

A guide for communities explaining Part 5 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2016 in respect of The Right to Buy Land To Further Sustainable Development.

Submitting Compliant Maps, Plans and Other Drawings

At least two maps, or other drawings should be submitted with an application.

The first of these is a community boundary map or drawing, showing the entire boundary location of the community according to the community definition as set out in the articles of association, constitution or registered rules.

The second of these is a map, plan or drawing of the land in relation to the application which is being made. This can be a map accompanying a title deed, or a close up of the immediate area around the land to be registered, however, the map must conform with the requirements of the Right to Buy Land to Further Sustainable Development (Applications, Written Requests, Ballots and Compensation) (Scotland) Regulations 2020 (SSI 2020/21).

Maps, plans or other drawings must clearly:

  • be drawn to a metric scale corresponding to a scale used by the Ordnance Survey for that land (or the land associated with the tenancy as the case may be);
  • contain map grid references (e.g. NT1234) and contain sufficient detail;
  • show the compass orientation of north;
  • show the boundary of the land or community. Using a distinctive colour helps distinguish it from surrounding areas; and
  • where measurements are given, be shown to one decimal place.

To be aware:

Please ensure that all maps provided fully comply with sections 2, 3 and 4 of the application form.

The map below is an extract of the CRtB mapping tool which you might find helpful when mapping or defining your community. The map can be accessed via the link

Please note, the example below is for illustration purposes only and does not represent any proposed CRtB application or existing CRtB registered interest.

Image shows a map which has been created using the community right to buy mapping tool as an example for communities



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