
The right help at the right time in the right place: strategy for the learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs 2017-2026

This ten year strategy sits within the context of our other policies and strategies to improve the learning outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs living in Scotland.

Scope of Services to be commissioned

The Strategic Commissioning Project Board (SCPB), informed by the work of the Doran Workstreams and Needs Analysis[11] identified that the following services are all within the scope to be commissioned.

Direct education, care and health services for children and young people with complex additional support needs; 

Research related to children and young people with complex additional support needs that provides a sound evidence base, alongside other sources of evidence to support national policy development and service provision to improve educational outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs;

Sustainable, child and young person focused learning and development for those supporting children and young people with complex additional support needs aligned to a mechanism for sharing practice; and,

Broader services which support the education of children and young people with complex additional support needs including services provided across a number of authority areas, provided by local authorities or voluntary organisations which taken across Scotland may constitute a national need.



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