
The right help at the right time in the right place: strategy for the learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs 2017-2026

This ten year strategy sits within the context of our other policies and strategies to improve the learning outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs living in Scotland.

The Commissioning Process

The commissioning process for national services will be:

  • Inclusive – involving service users, purchasers and providers.
  • Transparent – decisions and processes will be open to scrutiny and made in ways that are easily understood, whilst respecting the need for commercial confidentiality.
  • Innovative – creating an environment that supports good ideas and values evidence based innovation where it leads to service improvement.
  • Focused on Excellence - aspiring to the highest standards of excellence and professionalism in the provision of educational and related services to children with complex additional support needs.

The package of nationally commissioned services will be: 

  • based on assessed need; 
  • based on the principle of provision being locally provided wherever possible and inclusive in nature;
  • able to support parents and carers;
  • able to capitalise on the expertise and experience developed by partners, building services and capacity locally and centrally which best meet children and young people’s needs; 
  • able to provide a mix of long-term services of learning and support and short-term focused support to meet particular needs; 
  • located equitably across Scotland; 
  • able to ensure regional support to ensure equality of access to centralised services; 
  • co-ordinated to prevent duplication, and thereby improve efficiency and effectiveness.

It is anticipated that the third sector will take a lead in applying for funding and delivering services through the new commissioning process in recognition that they currently act as agents of local authorities to address the most complex additional support needs as defined by child or young person’s residential authority. Other organisations or partnerships may also apply for funding.

In applying for funding, service providers will be required to provide information on:

  • Rationale for proposed area of focus (Direct education, care and health services; Research; professional learning and development; and/or broader services which support the education of children and young people with complex additional support needs). 
  • Evidence of agreed collaboration with partners and added value to existing local or regional provision.
  • Anticipated outcomes on each of the key priorities of the National Improvement Framework: raising attainment, achieving equity, improving health and well-being, developing skills for learning, life and work.
  • Anticipated impact on professional learning and capacity building across local authorities as well as at a national level.
  • Internal governance and self-evaluation processes that focus on SHANARRI outcomes.
Best Start in Life: Ready to Succeed



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