
The right help at the right time in the right place: strategy for the learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs 2017-2026

This ten year strategy sits within the context of our other policies and strategies to improve the learning outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs living in Scotland.

National Strategic Commissioning Group

The National Strategic Commissioning group will continue to work collaboratively with local authorities and health boards to establish a common view regarding strategic needs, informed by the Commissioning group’s direct engagement with stakeholders and professional analysis, as well as by the local authorities’ position as the chief determinants of education provision for their learners. The National Strategic Commissioning group will work collaboratively with the providers of the services it commissions to agree forward plans and strategies.  In particular it will work positively with providers and the users of their services at times of anticipated change or transition in the service or the strategy under which the service has been commissioned. The Scottish Government directly and through partner agencies will provide proactive support and scrutiny of the programmes as appropriate.

Resource of c. £11m per annum is being maintained by the Scottish Government to ensure that the key areas identified by the National Strategic Commissioning Group and the Strategic Commissioning Project Board for delivery are supported.

Changes in current grant awards and services will be a focus of engagement with stakeholders and will not prejudice the placements of children or young people who are supported by currently funded services.

The National Strategic Commissioning Group, following ministerial approval, will oversee the implementation of a 3-year cyclical commissioning plan that supports this Strategy. It will follow a cycle of planning, commissioning and review and will support the on-going anticipation of future need in addition to ensuring that services are addressing identified current national need.

The strategy will be framed within the key drivers identified in the NIF but customised to reflect the multi-dimensional themes identified in the Doran Review, particularly in reference to social services and health.  For example, the NSCG felt that NIF drivers of School leadership and Teacher Professionalism was too narrow in relation to the lived experience for children and young people with complex needs. The multi-agency and service provision that is often required in complex additional support needs requires recognition that the key drivers need to fit across a range of settings to ensure children and young people with complex additional support needs achieve the best possible outcomes.   Given the scope of the strategy it is proposed that it will be addressed in phases over the 10 year period. The first phase would focus on pathfinder activity related to training, development and research.  



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