
The right help at the right time in the right place: strategy for the learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs 2017-2026

This ten year strategy sits within the context of our other policies and strategies to improve the learning outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs living in Scotland.

Health and Wellbeing

The Scottish approach to inclusion is already world-leading; our legislative and policy commitments are amongst the most extensive in the world.  An inclusive approach affords all children and young people the opportunity to be part of a community, boosting their mental health, emotional wellbeing and aiding the development of social skills.  Scotland’s inclusive approach celebrates diversity and allows children and young people to develop an understanding and recognition of differences, contributing to the development of an increasingly inclusive, empathetic and more just society.

We want all children and young people to get the support that they need to reach their full learning potential.  We have listened to the experiences of children and families about getting the support they need and will be taking action to secure more positive experiences for those receiving support.

This will include: improving consistency of support across Scotland, through improved guidance; building further capacity to deliver effective additional support; and improving career pathways and professional development, including new free training resources on inclusive practices.  These strategic actions seek to support: improved consistency in the delivery of additional support for pupils and the implementation of mainstreaming; further capacity for schools and education authorities to deliver support; improved career paths for those working in additional support for learning; and support for continued professional development.

We know that children’s educational outcomes directly affect their opportunities in life, work and society.  Support provided to enhance learning outcomes will ensure young people reach their full potential.  Supporting children with complex additional support needs in learning also supports their ability to remain within their own communities in the longer term.



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