
The right help at the right time in the right place: strategy for the learning provision for children and young people with complex additional support needs 2017-2026

This ten year strategy sits within the context of our other policies and strategies to improve the learning outcomes for children and young people with complex additional support needs living in Scotland.

The Doran Review 

The Doran Review of Learning Provision for Children and Young People with Complex Additional Support Needs[4], published in November 2012, was conducted to identify ways of improving educational outcomes for children with complex additional support needs. The review found variations in all aspects of services that children and families receive across the country and noted a need for better joined-up working across agencies. The review noted the team around a child or young person needs to be highly trained and experienced, and raised concerns regarding the availability of professional training in both breadth and depth.  Parents and professionals reported difficulties in obtaining information about resources available. 

Parental engagement was a key component of the Doran review . The consultation process engaged fully with the National Parents Forum for Scotland to ensure that the perspective of parents was presented.  In addition, as part of the 2nd phase of the review a range of parental events were arranged by Children in Scotland on behalf of the review to enable parents of children and young people with additional support needs to express their views.  Further parental engagement was conducted for the Doran Needs Analysis[5] research through discussion groups and individual 1-2-1 interviews with children with complex additional support needs and their parents or carers.  A parent/carer route map[6] was also published. 

The Doran Review made 21 recommendations aimed at providing better outcomes and experiences for children and young people with complex additional support needs. The Review aspires:

  • That children and young people, supported by their parents and/or carers, have an easily accessible route to early integrated assessment of, and provision for their complex additional support needs from the earliest stage of development.
  • That services offered are responsive to changing needs, lead to the best possible outcomes and are delivered where possible within the home community.
  • That there is a presumption of entitlement to the highest quality of services which should be inclusive, efficient, equitable and effective in meeting the assessed needs and promote optimum inclusion in society.
  • That local and national provision are complementary and operate with coherence. 

The recommendations were to Scottish Government, Education Scotland, local authorities, health boards, GTCS, training providers, independent and Grant-Aided Special Schools (GASS), and the three National Centres (CALL Scotland, Enquire and the Scottish Sensory Centre) supporting children and young people that are currently funded by Scottish Government. The Scottish Government response[7] set out the Scottish Government's action to take the recommendations forward.



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