
Letter of rights - your rights when you are in a police station: easy read

This letter for people held in police custody in Scotland, sets out their rights in straightforward language. This version was created in April 2023

Making a complaint

You have the right to complain about the way you have been treated by the police.

If you complain against Police Scotland this will not make your case look bad.

You can make a complaint when you are in custody.

If you want to complain when you are in custody, ask to speak to an inspector or someone of a higher rank.

If you want to complain after you have been released, you can go to any police station.

If you have been hurt or injured by a police officer during your arrest or in police custody you should complain to Police Scotland Professional Standards Department.

To complain call 101 or go to your local police station.

You can also ask someone else to make a complaint for you. It can be a parent, friend, partner or someone you trust.

You need to give them your written permission.


Produced on behalf of the SOLD Network by People First (Scotland)

77-79 Easter Road,



0131 478 7707

Company limited by guarantee No. 173180 and Registered Scottish Charity No. SC 026039



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