
Letter of rights - your rights when you are in a police station: easy read

This letter for people held in police custody in Scotland, sets out their rights in straightforward language. This version was created in April 2023

If you are under 16 years old or if you are 16 or 17 years old under a compulsory supervision order:

The police must try to tell your parent or guardian that you are at a police station.

You have the right to be visited by your parent or guardian at the police station.

Only under 18 years old can receive visits.

A lawyer must be with you when the police interview you unless there are exceptional circumstances.

For example, if the police think you have important information to stop someone being hurt they might need to ask you questions before your lawyer arrives.

If you are 16 or 17 years old and under a supervision order or interim compulsory order you may not refuse to have a solicitor.

Even in exceptional circumstances you have the right to remain silent.



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