
Rights Respect and Recovery - alcohol and drug treatment strategy: action plan 2019 to 2021 (version 2)

Actions, milestones and timeframes for implementing the 'Rights, respect and recovery' alcohol and drug treatment strategy.


This Action Plan sets out the actions, milestones and timeframes for activity to implement Rights Respect and Recovery – Scotland’s Strategy to Improve Health by Preventing and Reducing Alcohol and Drug Use, Harms and Related Deaths.

It will be refreshed on an on-going basis as new activity is scoped and new challenges emerge. It currently covers the time period up to 31 March 2021.

This version provides an update to Annex 1 and sets out new actions as well as progress against existing actions as of December 2020. This includes those actions which are now completed.

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on both the development and delivery of alcohol and drug services during 2020. Services have had to adapt to new ways of working in line with national and local restrictions to suppress the spread of the Coronavirus. This has led to some delays in the delivery of key milestones in this Action Plan.

The Action Plan

The Delivery Plan is based around four Ministerial priorities which map on to the chapter headings within Rights, Respect and Recovery. These cover:

1. Education, prevention and early intervention on alcohol and drugs

2. A recovery orientated approach which reduces harms and prevents alcohol and drugs deaths

3. A whole family approach on alcohol and drugs

4. A public health approach to justice for alcohol and drugs

Milestones for Delivery

The Milestones to support the implementation of the Action Plan are set out in Annex 1.

Rights, Respect and Recovery

Rights, Respect and Recovery is Scotland’s strategy to address alcohol and drug harms and deaths in Scotland. This Delivery Plan must be read in conjunction with the full strategy which is available here. A summary is set out overleaf:

Vision Scotland is a country where “we live long, health and active lives regardless of where we come from” and where individual, families and communities:

  • have the right to health and life free from the harms of alcohol and drugs
  • are treated with dignity and respect
  • are fully supported within communities to find their own type of recovery

Prevention and Early Intervention
Outcome: Fewer people develop problem drug use

Developing Recovery Oriented Systems of Care
Outcome: People access and benefit from effective, integrated person centred support to achieve their recovery

Getting it Right for Children, Young people and Families
Outcome: Children and families affected by alcohol and drug use will be safe, healthy, included and supported

Public Health Approach to Justice
Outcome: Vulnerable people are diverted from the justice system wherever possible and those within justice settings are fully supported



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