
Rights Respect and Recovery - alcohol and drug treatment strategy: action plan 2019 to 2021 (version 2)

Actions, milestones and timeframes for implementing the 'Rights, respect and recovery' alcohol and drug treatment strategy.

Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019 - 21

Number Action Timing Responsibility Contributes to Commitment
Overarching commitment
1. We will work with COSLA, Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Health Scotland to improve partnership approaches to deliver the strategy. 2021 Scottish Government, Health Scotland, COSLA and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs)
Education, prevention and early intervention on alcohol and drugs
2. We will revise and improve the programme of substance use education and prevention in schools and broader settings to ensure it is good quality, impactful and in line with best practice. Commencing
Scottish Government P4; P5
3. We will establish an expert group to develop a programme of work to address the stigma experienced by all people affected by problem alcohol and drug use including family members. This will focus on:
  • Self-stigma
  • Societal stigma
  • Institutional stigma
Scottish Government P2
4. We will develop a comprehensive approach to early intervention amongst young people who are at risk, though deprivation, inequality or other factors of developing problem alcohol and drug use. Commencing
Scottish Government P3
5. We will develop our online resources to ensure they provide accurate evidence based information on alcohol and drugs and where to find help. Commencing
Scottish Government P6
A recovery orientated approach which reduces harms and prevents alcohol and drugs deaths
6. We will establish a Drug Deaths Taskforce to:
  • Co-ordinate and drive action to improve health outcomes for people who use drugs, reducing the risk of harm and death
  • Monitor, support and facilitate the delivery of the commitments set out in “Rights, Respect and Recovery”, including a focus on taking an improved public health approach to justice
Scottish Government R1 - R11,
J1; J4
7. We will develop and implement a programme of work to improve access to treatment and recovery services, particularly those at most risk. 2021 Scottish Government, Health Scotland, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems, Scottish Drugs Forum R2
8. We will continue our programme of work to ensure that there are effective and high quality treatment and recovery services across Scotland. 2021 Scottish Government, Corra, Scottish Drugs Forum, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems R3
9. We will ensure that people with lived / living experience are involved in service design, development and delivery. 2021 Scottish Government, Scottish Recovery Consortium, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems R4; C3
10. We will improve access to evidence based harm reduction approaches for those experiencing alcohol and drug harms. 2021 Scottish Government, Royal College of General Practitioners, Blood Borne Virus Prevention (nonsexual transmission) Leads, Scottish Drugs Forum R5
11. We will develop person centred approaches alongside the range of services working with people with alcohol and drug problems, in line with the issues raised in the Hard Edges report. 2021 Scottish Government with Partners R6
12. We will work with the recovery community in achieving its potential. 2021 Scottish Recovery Consortium R7
13. We will develop trauma informed approaches within alcohol and drug services. 2021 Scottish Government, NHS Education for Scotland R8; R3
14. We will develop an intelligence led approach which future proofs delivery. 2021 Scottish Government R9
15. Develop and implement a programme of work to improve access and delivery alcohol treatment and support. 2021 Scottish Government R1-R10
A whole family approach to alcohol and drugs
16. Develop and implement a programme of work to improve our response to people (both children and adults) who are affected by a family member / loved one’s problem alcohol / drug use. 2021 Scottish Government, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs C1; C2
17. We will ensure that people who are affected by another’s problem alcohol / drug use are involved in service design, development and delivery. 2021 Scottish Government, Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, Corra C3
A public health approach to justice for alcohol and drugs
18. We will work with partners to ensure that people who come into with contact justice agencies are provided with the right support from appropriate services. Commencing 2020 Scottish Government, Police Scotland, Fiscal Service J1
19. We will develop a programme of work to take forward the Eight Point Plan for Treatment and Recovery Services within prison settings in line with Prison Inspectors Standards 9 (Health and Wellbeing of prisons) and 7 (transition to the community). Commencing 2020 Scottish Government, the Prison Health Care Network J2
20. We will support the delivery of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy by ensuring that people involved in drug dealing and distribution are effectively targeted for prosecution. Commencing 2020 Police Scotland, Crown Office and Prosecution Service J3
21. We will undertake a consultation on drug law. 2020 Scottish Government J4



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