
Rights Respect and Recovery - alcohol and drug treatment strategy: action plan 2019 to 2021 (version 2)

Actions, milestones and timeframes for implementing the 'Rights, respect and recovery' alcohol and drug treatment strategy.

Summary of Commitments in Rights Respect Recovery

Education, prevention and early intervention on alcohol and drugs


The Scottish Government, NHS Boards and Local Authorities will work with Public Health Scotland (once established) to identify and implement actions to reduce inequalities and improve Scotland’s health.


Work with key experts, including those with lived and living experience to address stigma as a way to prevent and reduce related harm.


Develop a comprehensive approach to early intervention amongst those who are at risk of developing problem drug use alongside those services who are already working with this group.


We will revise and improve the programme of substance use education in schools to ensure it is good quality, impactful and in line with best practice.


We will develop education-based, person-centred approaches that are delivered in line with evidence-based practice to aim to reach all of our children and young people including those not present in traditional settings, such as Youth Groups, Community Learning and Development, looked after and accommodated children, excluded children and those in touch with services.


We will develop our current online resources to ensure they provide accurate, evidence-based, relevant and up to date information and advice, around alcohol and drug use; and how to access help.

A recovery orientated approach which reduces harms and prevents alcohol and drugs deaths


The Scottish Government will invest in advocacy services through the National Development Fund to support a human rights based approach.


People in need have good access to treatment and recovery services, particularly those at most risk.


People who experience problem alcohol and drug use receive effective services and interventions which support them to reduce harm and achieve their recovery.


The voices of lived and living experience are central to our work to develop, design and deliver treatment and recovery services, interventions and approaches.


We will improve access to key interventions which will reduce harm, specifically focussing on those who inject opiates.


Person centred approaches will be developed across treatment and recovery services and the range of health and social care services which work with people with alcohol and drug problems.


The Scottish Government and local partnerships will continue to support the growth and expansion of Scotland’s recovery communities into wider community settings.


Alcohol and drug treatment and recovery services develop trauma informed approaches.


The Scottish Government and local partners will continue to improve our public health surveillance and ensure that service design is informed by data, intelligence and academic evidence.


The Scottish Government in consultation with partners will commission an up to date resource providing information and guidance on equalities issues for alcohol and drug prevention and treatment services.


An action plan will be co-produced with key partners to deliver these commitments and supporting actions.

A whole family approach to alcohol and drugs


Family members have access to support in their own right and, where appropriate, will be included in their loved one’s treatment and support.


All families will have access to services (both statutory and third sector) provided through a whole family approach.


Children, parents and other family members will be involved in the planning, development and delivery of services at local, regional and national level.

A public health approach to justice for alcohol and drugs


Ensure that people who come into contact with justice agencies are provided with the right support from appropriate services.


Pro-actively review local services in prisons to ensure they meet the new Inspecting and Monitoring Standards for Health and Wellbeing.


Support the work of Police Scotland, to ensure that those groups involved in drug dealing or distribution are being effectively targeted for prosecution.


The Scottish Government will set up a group to advise Health Ministers on the contribution and limitations of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 in support of health outcomes in Scotland.



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