
Rights Respect and Recovery - alcohol and drug treatment strategy: action plan 2019 to 2021 (version 2)

Actions, milestones and timeframes for implementing the 'Rights, respect and recovery' alcohol and drug treatment strategy.

Annex 1: Milestones for delivery

Number Action / Milestone Timeframe Responsibility Progress - December 2020
1 We will work with COSLA, Alcohol and Drug Partnerships and Health Scotland to improve partnership approaches to deliver the strategy.
1a Implement the COSLA and Scottish Government Partnership Delivery Framework to Reduce the Use of and Harm from Alcohol and Drugs, including the development of a whole systems approach 2021 Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, COSLA and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships All Alcohol and Drug Partnerships have established 3 year strategies to address alcohol and drug harms
1b Establish a plan with Heath Scotland for the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of Rights, Respect and Recovery 2019 Scottish Government and Public Health Scotland Complete
The plan is available here
1c Produce a workforce development framework with an ongoing implementation plan 2020 Scottish Government Draft framework will go out for consultation early 2021.
1d Publish an Equalities Impact Assessment to support the implementation of Rights, Respect and Recovery 2020 Scottish Government Impact Assessment to be published in 2021
2 We will revise and improve the programme of substance use education and prevention in schools and broader settings to ensure it is good quality, impactful and in line with best practice.
NB this programme of work has been paused as part of contingency response to demand of COVID-19 global pandemic.
3 We will establish an expert group to develop a programme of work to address the stigma experienced by all people affected by problem alcohol and drug use including family members. This will focus on:
  • Self-stigma
  • Societal stigma
  • Institutional stigma
3a New Action
Produce a strategy to ‘Address the Stigmatisation of People and Communities Affected by Drug Use
2020 Drug Deaths Taskforce Complete Strategy is available here
3b New Action
Produce a national stigma charter
2021 Drug Deaths Taskforce
3c New Action
Respond to recommendations in stigma strategy
2021 Scottish Government and partners
3d New Action
Publish glossary on key terms to improve understanding of the role of language in addressing stigma
2020 Scottish Drugs Forum Complete
Glossary available here
4 We will develop a comprehensive approach to early intervention amongst young people who are at risk, though deprivation, inequality or other factors of developing problem alcohol and drug use.
4a Undertake a review of the evidence of trends, challenges and interventions for those young people at risk of developing problem drug and alcohol use 2020 Scottish Government In progress
Report to published early 2021
4b Develop a programme of work to establish effective supports and treatment for young people at risk 2021 Scottish Government
5 We will develop our online resources to ensure they provide accurate evidence based information on alcohol and drugs and where to find help.
5a New Action
Develop and improve content on alcohol and drug harms on NHS Inform
2020 Public health Scotland Complete
Further information available here and here
5b New Action
Improve and update Young Scott Website providing information and advice on alcohol and drugs specifically for young people
2021 Scottish Government / Young Scott
6 We will establish a Drug Deaths Taskforce to:
  • Co-ordinate and drive action to improve health outcomes for people who use drugs, reducing the risk of harm and death
  • Monitor, support and facilitate the delivery of the commitments set out in “Rights, Respect and Recovery”, including a focus on taking an improved public health approach to justice
6a Establish the Drug Deaths Taskforce and identify workstreams 2019 Scottish Government Complete
Drug Deaths Taskforce established in 2019. Further information is available here
7 We will develop and implement a programme of work to improve access to treatment and recovery services, particularly those at most risk.
7a Develop and implement guidance on assertive outreach, targeting those at most risk 2021 Scottish Drugs Forum
7b Develop and implement guidance in relation to low threshold opiate substitution therapy provision 2020 Public Health Scotland
Scottish Drugs Forum
Guidance incorporated into the draft Medication Assisted Treatment Standards. Further information available here
7c Explore the management of alcohol problems in Deep End Practices in Scotland 2021 University of Stirling / Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems
7d Develop good practice in relation to alcohol hospital liaison 2021 Scottish Government / SHAAP / Alcohol Focus Scotland
8 We will continue our programme of work to ensure that there are effective and high quality treatment and recovery services across Scotland.
8a Develop a Quality Improvement Framework for alcohol and drug services by:
2020 Scottish Government In progress:
  • Quality Assurance and Lived Experience Working Group established
  • Quality Assurance Framework to be published in 2021
  • Identify a set of numerical benchmarks to assess delivery through the Evaluation and Monitoring Framework for the Rights, Respect and Recovery strategy
2020 Scottish Government Complete
Benchmarks set out here
  • Invest in tests of change through the Corra Challenge Fund
2021 Corra Over £2.2 million invested through the challenge Fund with further details available here and here
8b Develop and implement guidance on asset-based assessment and case management 2021 Scottish Drugs Forum
8c Carry out research into rural alcohol use/problems and service issues 2021 Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems in Scotland Complete
Report available here
8d Provide dedicated support to the implementation of quality improvement methodology across Scotland 2021 Scottish Government
8e Implement the Drug Misuse and Dependence: UK Guidelines on Clinical Management through the development and Implementation of a national opiate substitute therapy pathway to support local treatment delivery 2021 Scottish Government The Drug Deaths Taskforce
published standards of treatment for people seeking to access, or receiving, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for drug problems and a consultation exercise was launched in November 2020. Further information is available here
8f Scope and review the evidence on treatment engagement and retention (for example relapse prevention) 2021 Public Health Scotland
8g Commission an up-to-date resource providing information and guidance on equalities issues for alcohol and drug prevention and treatment services 2020 Scottish Government In progress
Resource to be published in 2021
8h Evaluate the provision of Heroin Assisted Treatment in Glasgow 2021 University of Strathclyde
(funded by the Chief Scientist Office)
8i Review the need / demand for residential services and develop effective services. 2021 Scottish Government Residential Rehab Working Group Published in Dec 2020 available here. £90k announced to progress further research in 2021 arising from the recommendations.
8j New Action
Test a nationally funded pathway from people leaving Prison to Residential Rehab
2021 Pathway established. Evaluation to be published in early 2021
9 We will ensure that people with lived / living experience are involved in service design, development and delivery.
9a Establish five regional networks for people with lived experience (including family members) across Scotland to support the design, development and delivery of services at a local and national level 2020 Scottish Recovery Consortium Complete
Lived Experience Representative Networks have been established across Scotland. Further information is available here
9b Carry out research into the role of lived experience in developing alcohol services 2020 Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems Complete
Report available here
9c Publish an evaluation of National Development Project Fund investments in advocacy 2021 Scottish Government
9d Carry out research to explore the factors that influence harmful alcohol use through the refugee journey 2021 University of Edinburgh / Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems Complete
Report available here
9e Hold a series of events for stakeholders across Scotland on taking a Human Rights based approach. 2020 Scottish Recovery Consortium / Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Complete
  • 7 National Rights in Recovery events
  • 3 My Family Rights events
Further information on these events is available here
10 We will improve access to evidence based harm reduction approaches for those experiencing alcohol and drug harms.
10a Scope the feasibility and acceptability of Managed Alcohol Programmes for people who are homeless with severe alcohol problems in community-based, third sector services in Scotland. 2020 University of Stirling (funded by the Chief Scientist Office Complete
Report available here
10b Refresh and implement Staying Alive in Scotland document to support local approaches to preventing drug deaths 2020 Scottish Drugs Forum Complete
Staying Alive available here
8 development events held across Scotland
10c Update and implement best practice guidelines for services providing injecting equipment 2020 Blood Borne Virus Prevention (nonsexual transmission) Leads In progress
Guidance to be published in early 2021.
10d Ensure all those at risk of opiate overdose and their family members are provided with Naloxone by improving supply through the following settings:
  • Treatment settings
  • Hospitals
  • Prisons
  • Peer supply
  • Police custody
2021 Scottish Drugs Forum, Drug Deaths Taskforce and Alcohol and Drug Partnerships The Drug Deaths Taskforce has led and supported a range of actions including:
  • Working with the Lord Advocate to amend prosecution guidelines to allow non-drug treatment services to distribute naloxone (multiple sites across Scotland)
  • Funded a number of projects to expand the distribution of naloxone, in existing settings and peer naloxone supply
  • Scottish Ambulance Service pilot and roll-out a national naloxone distribution project following non-fatal overdose
  • Support Police Scotland to develop a pilot of police carriage of naloxone
Other developments include
  • Development of national postal service of naloxone
  • Improved supply of naloxone to prisoners upon liberation
10e Produce and implement best practice guidance for wound care for people who inject drugs 2021 Blood Borne Virus Prevention (nonsexual transmission) Leads
10f Produce best practice guidance to support blood borne virus testing in alcohol and drug treatment services 2021 Blood Borne Virus Prevention (nonsexual transmission) Leads
11 We will develop person centred approaches alongside the range of services working with people with alcohol and drug problems, in line with the issues raised in the Hard Edges report.
11a Invest in improving access to Housing First amongst those with alcohol and drug problems 2020/2021 Scottish Government with Partners
11b Ensure effective protocols are in place between alcohol and drug services and mental health services to improve access and pathways for those who experience this co-morbidity 2020 Scottish Government with Partners In progress
11c Pilot integrated models of delivery between alcohol/drug and mental health services 2021 Scottish Government with Partners In progress
Healthcare Improvement Scotland supporting Alcohol and Drug Partnerships Tayside to develop integrated mental health and substance use services
11d Provide training for Primary Care Practitioners through the Royal College of General Practitioners to improve access to drug treatment within primary care 2020 Royal College of General Practitioners In progress
Training reviewed and to be delivered on line in 2021 due to COVID
11e Develop an integrated response to the education, volunteering and employment needs of people recovering from alcohol and drug problems through the No One Left Behind strategy 2021 Scottish Government with partners
12 We will work with the recovery community in achieving its potential.
12a Provide a programme of training and development for recovery community members across Scotland 2020 Scottish Recovery Consortium Complete
Recovery Development Training Programme developed and available here
12b Support the growth of and expansion of recovery communities in wider settings, focussing on:
  • Recovery from mental health problems
  • Faith groups
  • Other groups interested in alcohol/drug free social/cultural life
2021 Scottish Recovery Consortium
12c Publish an evaluation of National Development Project Fund investments in the development of recovery communities 2021 Scottish Government
12d New Action
Publish guidance on the convening of Recovery Community & Mutual Aid Groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
2020 Scottish Recovery Consortium Complete
Guidance is available here
£30,000 investment made available through the Scottish Recovery Consortium to support people in recovery to connect through online groups
13 We will develop trauma informed approaches within alcohol and drug services.
13a Continue to implement the LPASS report: “The delivery of psychological interventions in substance misuse services in Scotland to improve psychosocial interventions 2021 Scottish Government and ADPs
13b Support the development of trauma informed services through the delivery of the National Trauma Training Framework 2021 NHS Education for Scotland
14 We will develop an intelligence led approach which future proofs delivery.
14a Establish a drug and alcohol public health surveillance system for Scotland 2021 Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland
14b Implement the Drug and Alcohol Information System database within alcohol and drug treatment services 2020 Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland and ADPs Complete
The Drug and Alcohol Information System went live in December 2020.
14c Develop a programme of data linkage to better understanding of the needs of those at most risk and opportunities to intervene 2021 Public Health Scotland
14d Review and update the Drugs Research Framework. 2020 Scottish Government and Drugs Research Network Scotland In progress
Framework to be published in 2021
14e Conduct a review of the national level statistical data on drugs and alcohol with a view to ensuring they are fit for purpose in supporting the delivery of Rights, Respect and Recovery 2021 Scottish Government, Health Protection Scotland, NRS and Public Health Scotland
15 Develop and implement a programme of work to improve access and delivery alcohol treatment and support.
15a Improve access to alcohol treatment and support 2021 Scottish Government with Partners
15b Identify pathways to recovery through:
  • community support
  • primary care
  • treatment services
  • hospital
  • the justice system including prisons
  • and other settings as needed
2021 Scottish Government with Partners
15c Improve our understanding of alcohol harms and deaths by developing a local process for auditing alcohol deaths to help opportunities to intervene 2020 Alcohol Focus Scotland with Partners Complete
Guidance available here
16 Develop and implement a programme of work to improve our response to people (both children and adults) who are affected by a family member / loved one’s problem alcohol / drug use.
16a Produce a national definition of a whole family approach alongside principles of family inclusive practice, and support implementation 2020 Scottish Government with partners In progress
Principles of a Whole Family Approach to be published in Spring 2021, alongside national implementation plan.
17 We will ensure that people who are affected by another’s problem alcohol / drug use are involved in service design, development and delivery.
17a Work in partnership with key stakeholders to pilot and evaluate a digital platform, which will support children and young people affected by alcohol and drugs to share their stories 2021 Corra
17b Continue to invest in peer led family supports through the Families Recovery Initiative Fund (FRIF) 2021 Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs and Corra Over 20 awards made Further information is available here
17c Develop and grow the Behind the Numbers film campaign (launched in July 2019) to highlight and champion the hidden and unrecognised contribution of families in saving and preserving the lives of those harmed through alcohol or drugs. The campaign will also support family members to become storytellers and share their voices in the media and other platforms, increasing the understanding of families’ experiences of substance-related harm to the wider public. 2020 Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Complete
Further information including recommendations for services is available here
17d Develop a family media and storyteller volunteering programme to increase the profile of family voices in the media and other platforms, and to increase understanding of families’ experiences of substance-related harm. 2020 Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Complete
Further information is available here, here, here and here
18 We will work with partners to ensure that people who come into with contact with justice agencies are provided with the right support from appropriate services.
18a New Action
Publish paper on improving operational practice to support better health outcomes for people who use drugs.
2020 Drug Deaths Taskforce Complete
Available here
18b New Action
Produce a process map the current criminal justice pathway for an individual found in possession of a controlled substance.
2020 Drug Deaths Taskforce Complete
18c New Action
Establish and evaluate tests of change to improve access to drug treatment through the justice system
2021 Drug Deaths Taskforce In progress
Test of Change funding applications submitted to CORRA.
19 We will develop a programme of work to take forward the Eight Point Plan for Treatment and Recovery Services within prison settings in line with Prison Inspectors Standards 9 (Health and Wellbeing of prisons) and 7 (transition to the community).
19a New Action
Ensure Buvidal is a treatment option for people requiring opiate substitute therapy across all prisons in Scotland
2021 Scottish Government £1.9 million allocated to Health Boards across Scotland in 2020 to support implementation
Evaluation to be published in December 2020.
19b New Action
Develop action plan in partnership with the Prison Healthcare Network to improve the response to
2020 Scottish Government Complete
20 We will support the delivery of the Serious and Organised Crime Strategy by ensuring that people involved in drug dealing and distribution are effectively targeted for prosecution. We continue to bring to justice those who supply drugs to some of our most vulnerable individuals and communities through the work of Serious and Organised Crime Taskforce. Serious and organised strategy is available here
21 We will undertake a consultation on drug law.
21a Consultation on drug law 2021 Drug Deaths Taskforce In progress Two phased engagement process developed.
Phase 1 to report in spring 2021
Phase 2 to report in Autumn 2021



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