
Justice for children and young people - a rights-respecting approach: vision and priorities - action plan

This plan sets out the early actions towards achieving the outcomes and priorities within the rights-respecting approach to justice for children and young people – Scotland’s vision and priorities (the vision) between June 2021 and June 2024.


The following eight outcomes will be achieved by 2024.

Rights of all children are upheld and they are supported to understand what this means for them and what to expect.

Children and young people are supported to actively participate and engage in the decision which affect them.

Victims are supported and their rights are upheld, with specific attention paid to child victims and their families.

Children are diverted away from the Criminal Justice System to appropriate alternative supports through the continued delivery of the Whole System Approach.

To the extent possible and appropriate, no under-18s are remanded or sentenced to detention in a young offenders institute.

We have the required data and evidence on children and young people to better inform policy and practice so that children and young people benefit.

Children and families are supported at an early stage to improve their life chances with their wellbeing and mental health needs are addressed.

Speech, language and communication needs for all children and young people are taken into consideration both when assessing individual needs and when adapting information and communication used in formal processes.



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