
The road to recovery: a new approach to tackling Scotland's drug problem

Our national drugs strategy focuses on recovery but also looks at prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, education, enforcement and protection of children.

Annex A: Action Plan






Promoting recovery

To set up a Drug Recovery Network to promote and support the concept of recovery among local partners, service providers and people with problem drug use.

To effect cultural change among those working with, or affected by problem drug use.

Scottish Government

From May 2008

An appropriate range of drug treatment and rehabilitation services to promote recovery, from all types of drug use, not just opiate dependency, which is based on local needs and circumstances, must be available in each part of Scotland.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Local strategic partners

Local service commissioners

Service providers

From May 2008

Better integration of medical treatment with wider range of services such as social care, housing, mental health, education and training, to enable people to recover. Specific attention should be paid to Scotland's Employability Framework ' Workforce Plus' and More Choices, More Chances for Young People.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Local service commissioners

Service providers

Any practitioners who work with people with problem drug use including housing, training and employment, social care.

From May 2008

Services should offer individual care plans to people with problem drug use to enable them to recover from problem drug use, in line with the National Quality Standards for Substance Misuse.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Service providers

From May 2008

The principles of recovery are reflected in training and workforce development programmes, in particular the developing Scottish Alcohol and Drugs Workforce Development Strategy.

Cultural change among practitioners.

Scottish Government


Scottish Alcohol and Drugs Workforce Development Strategy Steering Group

From May 2008

Better integration of problem drug use within other national and local plans and strategies which take full account of the need to promote recovery.

More joined-up approach which sees more people recover from problem drug use.

Scottish Government

Local strategic partners

From May 2008

Health Boards, in commissioning and monitoring their local negotiated Enhanced Services with GPs and/or other providers, should ensure that in relation to drug use there is an appropriate level of service capacity given local needs; that Health Boards work with local authorities and other partners to provide co-ordinated and holistic care; and that services ensure data collection and ongoing evaluation of the outcome of treatment is carried out.

To see more people recovering from problem drug use.

Health Boards


Other appropriate providers

Service providers

Local Authorities

Other partners

From May 2008

Health Boards should review local service arrangements in relation to local services, including pharmacies, to ensure that they offer flexible access to service provision allowing people with problem drug use to attend work, education and employment.

To facilitate people moving on and recovering from problem drug use.

Health Boards


Service providers

From May 2008

The Government will continue to support the Scottish Network for Families Affected by Drugs ( SNFAD) to support Family Support Groups and individual families through a dedicated helpline, information and training.

Stronger, more resilient families and communities.

Scottish Government


From May 2008

Publication of the Government's response to the first annual report published by the National Forum on Drug-related Deaths in December 2007.

New action to help reduce the number of drug related-deaths so people live longer, healthier lives.

Scottish Government

May 2008

Delivering the recovery model

Set up a national support function to take forward the development and implementation of the recovery model in drugs services.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Scottish Government

Summer 2008

Development of an outcomes based framework for assessing and managing performance at a local level focussed clearly on recovery.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Scottish Government

SACDM Delivery Reform Group

Implementation from 1 April 2009

Development of a clear statement of the strategic functions needed to implement the national strategy locally.

To see more people recover from problem drug use to live longer, healthier lives making a positive contribution to society and the economy.

Scottish Government

SACDM Delivery Reform Group

Implementation from 1 April 2009

Robust accountability arrangements between central government and partner organisations.

Resources are used efficiently and effectively and local partners can demonstrate to Government this is the case.

Scottish Government

SACDM Delivery Reform Group

Implementation from 1 April 2009

Publish a Substance Misuse Workforce Development Strategy.

More educated, skilled and successful workforce.

Scottish Alcohol and Drugs Workforce Development Strategy Steering Group

Publish late 2008.

In force Spring 2009

An investigation into the scale and effectiveness of public expenditure on drugs.

More targeted and effective use of drugs funding.

Audit Scotland

Scottish Government

Report to be published in Spring 2009

Establishment of a National Evidence Group to develop a co-ordinated approach to identify gaps in research; improving links with UK and EU; and encouraging innovation.

Strengthened evidence base which improves policy and practice at national and local level.

Scottish Government


Work with Information Statistics Division ( ISD) to deliver an enhanced Scottish Drug Misuse Database to improve outcome data on a person's journey through treatment.

Better outcome data to inform policy and practice.

Scottish Government


April 2008

Work with Information Statistics Division ( ISD) to create a Drug-related Deaths Database to give a more complete picture of a person's treatment pathway prior to death.

New data that local partners could use to prevent future drug-related deaths.

Scottish Government


Summer 2008

Set up a new national drug strategy website to bring together all policy and research in one place for academics, practitioners, key experts, service users and the public.

Improved communication between central government and local partners leading to improved practice locally.

Scottish Government

May 2008

Expand the remit and membership of the Scottish Advisory Committee on Drug Misuse ( SACDM) to give the Committee a key role to play in monitoring and developing the implementation of the drugs strategy and raise its profile.

Authoritative, expert and wide-ranging advice for Ministers on drug use.

Scottish Government

August 2008

Preventing drug use

Development of a framework to tackle poverty, inequality and deprivation which is informed by a discussion paper, currently out to consultation.

Enhanced life chances and incentives to those in the most deprived communities.

Scottish Government

Consultation ended on 2 May 2008.

Framework to follow in due course.

Publication of the report of the Ministerial Task Force on Health Inequalities with recommendations for practical actions, based on emerging scientific evidence of how deprivation and other forms of chronic stress lead to poor health.

Reduce health inequalities.

Scottish Government

June 2008

Implementation of the Curriculum for Excellence programme and, in particular, publication of the draft learning outcomes for health and well-being which will be trialled in schools. Joint delivery with COSLA.

Children that are successful learners, confident learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens and therefore less likely to develop problem drug use.

Scottish Government

Learning and Teaching Scotland ( LTS)

Scottish Qualifications Authority


Health Boards

Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education ( HMIE)

Local Authorities


Other education providers

Implementation ongoing

Establishment of a Steering Group to develop more effective substance misuse education in schools, produce advice, guidance and proposals aimed at helping schools and authorities to achieve the outcomes sought through Curriculum for Excellence.

Children that are successful learners, confident learners, effective contributors and responsible citizens and therefore less likely to develop problem drug use.

Scottish Government


NHS Health Scotland

Health Boards





Local Authorities

Interim report early 2009

Further targeted development of the Know the Score public information campaign, including information for parents and other family members.

More people have access to credible and accurate information about the use of drugs.

Scottish Government

May 2008 onwards

Publication of an Early Years Framework which aims to transform the way that public services interact with families and young people.

Improved life chances for children, young people and families, especially those at risk.

Scottish Government


Autumn 2008

Publication of a Youth Framework to ensure that young people in all our communities have access to facilities that promote positive behaviours.

Improved life chances for children and young people, especially those at risk.

Scottish Government



Monies from the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 are used to fund more choices and chances for positive opportunities for young people in those communities hardest hit by crime.

Improved life chances for children and young people, especially those at risk.

Scottish Government


Publication, for consultation, of the Government's long-term approach to tackling alcohol misuse.

People live longer, healthier lives and communities are safer and stronger.

Scottish Government

Summer 2008


An in-depth analysis to map the scale and extent of serious organised crime in Scotland to get a better understanding of the threats and risks it poses to our communities.

Reducing the supply of drugs into our communities making them stronger and safer places to live, work and invest.

Scottish Government

Scottish Police Forces


Develop the Serious Organised Crime Taskforce to provide direction and co-ordination for all the organisations fighting serious organised crime in Scotland.

Stronger and safer communities to live, work and invest.

Scottish Government


Scottish Police Forces


Building a crime campus at Gartcosh to further enhance working relationships between SCDEA and its UK enforcement partners and improve development in forensic analysis to help tackle drugs crime.

Stronger and safer communities to live, work and invest.

Scottish Government


Work with the Home Office to consider how we can further strengthen the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

Recover more of the assets of people who have benefited from having a criminal lifestyle and deter others from entering a criminal lifestyle.

Scottish Government

Home Office


Publish a full external evaluation of mandatory drug testing and consider whether or not it should be rolled out to other areas of high drugs prevalence.

To see more people recover from problem drug use and reduce drug-related crime.

Scottish Government


Review the success and effectiveness of drug courts.

To see more people recover from problem drug use and reduce drug-related crime.

Scottish Government

Spring 2009

Publish a full external evaluation of the pilot of Drug Treatment and Testing Orders ( DTTOs) for lower tariff offenders and consider whether or not it should be rolled out more widely.

To see more people recover from problem drug use and reduce drug-related crime.

Scottish Government


Review a 'pilot' project in HMP Edinburgh to improve the integration of medical treatment with wider 'wraparound' therapeutic support and consider rolling it out across all prison establishments.

To see more people recovering from problem drug use and reduce future drug-related crime and drug-related deaths.

Scottish Prison Service

Autumn 2008

Develop and implement an information sharing protocol between Throughcare Addiction Services ( TAS) and Enhanced Addiction Casework Service ( EACS).

Improved continuity of care on admission, during a sentence and on release into the community.

Scottish Prison Service

Autumn 2008

Review the issue of chaotic drug users who stay for short periods in custody following the report from the Independent Prisons Commission.

Improved continuity of care on admission, during a sentence and on release to the community to reduce the risk of drug-related death soon after release.

Scottish Prison Service

June 2008

Publish a new Substance Misuse Strategy, which fits with the Government's drugs strategy.

To see more people recovering from problem drug use and reduce future drug-related crime and drug-related deaths.

Scottish Prison Service

Autumn 2008

Review the feasibility of a potential transfer of primary health care to the NHS

To address health inequalities.

Scottish Government


Children affected by substance misusing families

Provision of ongoing multi-agency training to help identify children at risk at an early stage; to know when to seek support from specialist areas; and when to share information.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government


Local government

From October 2008

Support sharing and embedding of good practice around single and inter-agency assessment of and planning for children.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government

GIRFEC pathfinder partners

Initial guidance from Highland partnership April 2008

Upgrading of eCare Framework to improve inter-agency information sharing especially on the most vulnerable citizens, such as children.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government

End 2009

Through developing data standards, determine what information is collected and can be shared and how it is recorded so that it can be brought together as required for those who need to see it.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government

Local government

From Summer 2008

Work with partners to develop more accurate prevalence figures for children affected by substance misuse to support effective planning at a local level.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government

From Summer 2008

Strengthen the focus of adult substance misuse services on the needs of children and families by including relevant outcomes in the commissioning framework.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Promote the creation of integrated services to provide equality of access to treatment for all drug users across Scotland, so that every child affected by their parents' substance misuse can be sure their parents will receive the treatment they feel will be effective for them.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

In the context of the Early Years Framework, work to improve parenting capacity, recognising the role of wider family and community networks in promoting resilience in children and their families.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Support the learning for child protection front-line professionals based on good practice and evidence as an element of the 3-year post for the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network, already provided in support of delivery of Recommendation 27 of the SWIA investigation of the Western Isles case.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.


From June 2008

Citizen's Advice Scotland to provide specialist information service for all kinship carers.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Citizen's Advice Scotland

September 2008

Promote support for young carers. This will include building on existing work, such as the development of a national young carers' festival and young carers services self-evaluation toolkit to enable services to evaluate and improve the services they provide.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government


From Summer 2008

Develop a risk assessment framework to support appropriate and consistent intervention in the management of immediate risk.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Promote collaborative working between Child Protection Committees and ADATs in planning and meeting the needs of this group.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Develop and disseminate effective strategies to engage parents, including compulsory measures as appropriate.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Work with ADATs to ensure that significant improvements in access to treatment for parents bring positive benefits for children.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government partners and stakeholders

From Summer 2008

Set up learning partners in strategic partnerships to test out how to apply GIRFEC principles to addressing the needs of children affected by parental drug and/or alcohol misuse.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government


Promotion of good practice around supporting children affecting by parental substance misuse and the development of local information sharing protocols between national strategic partnerships and Child Protection Committees by the national support function.

Improve the life chances for children, young people and families at risk.

Scottish Government

Local strategic partnerships

Child Protection Committees

Summer 2008


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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