
Refugee integration - role of local authorities: research

Research commissioned by the Scottish Government to explore and assess the role of Scotland’s 32 local authorities in supporting the integration of refugees and people seeking asylum.


1. Specifically, this includes the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme pathway 2 and 3 as well as direct ARAP matches from third countries. See the following section for a detailed explanation of these schemes.

2. This review does not cover some of the smaller schemes, including the Mandate Scheme, the Community Sponsorship Scheme and the now-defunct Gateway Protection Programme.

3. These responsibilities are based on the funding instructions to local authorities for the VPRS (Home Office 2023a).

4. For a further discussion of efforts to reduce the use of bridging hotels, see the housing section of Chapter 4 of this report.

5. YouTube playlist titled ‘A Scottish Welcome’ uploaded by the Scottish Refugee Council

6. At the time of writing, the MS Ambition had already been vacated.

7. People seeking asylum may only work in jobs on the Shortage Occupation List and only after they have been waiting for their claim for at least a year.

8. This includes people receiving section 4, section 95 or section 98 support.

9. Differences in data availability in the devolved nations meant that in these cases the weighting methodology needed to be adapted as appropriate.

10. See chapter 4 for further discussion of CLD practices.

11. The Requirements for Community Learning and Development (Scotland) Regulations 2013

12. Report received via personal correspondence and is not publicly available.

13. Klik2Learn homepage.

14. This partnership is made up of Dundee City Council, Angus Council, Dundee and Angus College and Dundee international Women’s Centre.

15. Article in The National – ‘Syrian school boys in Stornoway win awards for learning Gaelic’

16. YouTube video posted by BBC Scotland on the barber shop set up by a Syrian refugee in Stornoway

17. This group is formally defined as non-UK born people whose main reason for originally migrating to the UK was asylum.

18. Council webpage detailing information about the Resettlement Project Board

19. East Renfrewshire Council web page with information on project wish list for community benefits initiative

20. Webpage detailing the application process to register with the Architects Registration Board

21. Council web page containing information on the Managing Employment, Enterprise and Training (OH-MEET) initiative

22. People seeking asylum in Wales and Northern Ireland, like Scotland, are also entitled regardless of whether they are refused asylum status (BMA 2023).

23. A Team Around the Child approach involves a multidisciplinary team of individuals working together with the child or young person to support their needs. For an explanation of GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child), see the ‘Education and Language’ section of Chapter 4.

24. YouTube video entitled ‘Voice and Visibility – The New Scots’

25. Local government web page with information on the Al-Amal Project and Friends of Al-Amal

26. For the purpose of this report, ‘remote’ means areas which are situated far from the main centres of population in Scotland. This is distinct from ‘rural’, which refers to areas of low population density.

27. The move to full dispersal was in its early stages at the time of the fieldwork.

28. One interviewee did note, however, that the Covid-19 pandemic had made the process a bit easier as support could be provided virtually from Glasgow.

29. For the next iteration of the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy, the Scottish Government has offered small grants to organisations for engagement events for New Scots (Scottish Government 2023h).

30. Scottish Government guidance for Community Planning Partnerships on Community Learning And Development

31. Immigration Rules part 11: asylum



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