
The role of public sector bodies in tackling climate change: consultation

We are seeking your views on the way that information and knowledge are shared between public sector bodies; whether public bodies should set targets for themselves to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions; and on proposed changes to the mandatory reporting duties.


At the heart of our action on climate change is the wellbeing of Scotland’s people and places. Tackling climate change and ensuring we have a thriving and healthy environment is critical to our collective wellbeing, and central to the ambitions and responsibilities set out in Scotland’s National Performance Framework. 

Public Sector Bodies are legally required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and support Scotland’s adaptation to a changing climate[1]. Scottish Ministers, in turn, are legally required to provide guidance to Public Sector Bodies to help them with this[2]. The first part of this consultation is about how information is provided and shared and how Public Sector Bodies collaborate with each other and the rest of Scotland.  Views are sought on the training and guidance available to public sector leaders and proposals for a High Ambition Climate Network of Public Sector Bodies.

Public Sector Bodies are also legally required to report annually on their greenhouse gas emissions and what they are doing to help adapt to a changing climate[3].  The second part of this consultation is about improving the reporting arrangements to simultaneously reduce the administrative burden on Public Sector Bodies and drive action. Views are sought on whether Public Sector Bodies should set targets for themselves to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions and on other changes to the reporting duties. 

This consultation is focussed purely on Scottish Public Sector Bodies – that is, the public bodies in Scotland for which either the Scottish Government or Scottish Parliament is responsible. This includes local authorities, the police, fire and health services, transport partnerships, universities and colleges as well as bodies such as Scottish Water, the National Galleries and Museums and VisitScotland. UK Government Public Sector Bodies operating in Scotland, such as HMRC and DWP, are beyond the scope of this consultation. 

We want to hear from Public Sector Bodies, but we also want to hear from other organisations and individuals about what Public Sector Bodies should be doing to tackle climate change. 



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