
The role of third sector interfaces: advice note.

This advice note sets out the role of the third sector interface organisations in relation to health and social care integration activities.

3. The Act

The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014[3] places a statutory responsibility upon Health Boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities to actively involve the third sector in the planning and design of integrated health and social care services. Third sector providers of commissioned services are already embedded in the 'Do' part of the strategic commissioning process cycle. However, the third sector is large and diverse and ranges from service providers to communities of interest or place, volunteer led organisations, service user focussed groups, social enterprises and others. Many of these will have relatively untapped knowledge and expertise that could help inform strategic commissioning plans. Evidence from the Reshaping Care for Older People programme (RCOP)[4] has shown how innovative responses from the third sector have been developed. These have built upon existing assets and provide services which though diverse are better connected via an expanded capacity within the TSI. The same ambitions but for the whole adult population and on a more sustainable basis, are expected of Integrated Authorities.

Many areas will have arrangements in place to achieve this, built with the assistance of the local Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs). Health Boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities will wish to consider how the TSIs are resourced in each partnership area to support, promote, develop and advocate the role of the third sector in the strategic commissioning and working arrangements of integrated partnerships. The advice note establishes questions to inform strategic commissioning arrangements.



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